10. Philippe's Testimony

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The tension in the room thickens, every word hanging in the air like a suspended snowflake, moments from falling and shattering the fragile peace.

Claire's smile brightened as she saw Pham, her eyes softening in a way that made Valérie's blood boil.

"Pham, I'm so glad you're here!" Claire exclaims, her voice a stark contrast to the tension that vibrates through the room.

Valérie clenches her fists, her lips pressing into a thin line. Her mother had never looked at her that way-never with that unguarded affection and warmth.

"I guess you're here to take over, as usual," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Pham, always calm and composed, gave a slight nod. "I'm just here to help, Valérie. There's no need for hostility."

"No need for hostility?" Valérie's laugh was sharp, bitter. "Easy for you to say. You're the saint in this scenario, aren't you?"

Claire's brow furrows. "Valérie, please, this isn't the time-"

But Valérie isn't listening. Years of feeling overshadowed, unseen, and unloved erupted like a volcano.

"Why does she always get the best of you?" Valérie's voice wavered, a mixture of pain and fury. "What about me, Mom? Am I that worthless to you?"

Claire's eyes widen with hurt, but before she could respond, Valérie's anger turns physical.

She lunges at Pham, her fingers curling around the fabric of Pham's blouse. "What makes you so special?" she screams, her voice cracking.

Pham stumbles back, shock flashing across her face. She raises her hands defensively. "Valérie, stop this! I'm not your enemy!"

Claire cries out, reaching for Valérie "Valérie, please! Stop this madness!"

The police officer, a tall man with a stern expression, steps in swiftly. His grip is firm as he tries to pull Valérie away. "That's enough," he commands.

But Valérie's frustration has reached a breaking point. Her struggles intensify, her nails raking across Pham's skin in her desperate attempt to lash out.

The officer tightens his hold, his voice more urgent. "Miss, you need to calm down now!"

Valérie's eyes blaze with a mix of rage and heartbreak. "You've already taken everything from me!"

The officer managed to pull Valérie back, separating her from Pham. He turns to Claire, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration. "I'm taking her out Ma'am."

Claire's face looks pale as she watches her daughter restrained. "Valérie, I'm so sorry,"

Valérie's struggles weakened, "You never meant for it to be like this?" she echoed, her voice hoarse. "Then why do I always feel like I'm not enough for you?"

The room fell silent, the echoes of their argument still ringing in the air. The officer kept his grip firm on Valérie, but the fight had left her, replaced by a weary resignation.

Claire is taking a hesitant move, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Valérie, I love you. I know I haven't shown it the way I should, but you have to believe me."

The officer gently released his hold but stayed close, ready to intervene if necessary. As Claire's request, Pham and the officer leave the room.


The room's tense atmosphere began to dissipate as the two women sat down, the police officer watching from a respectful distance.

Claire's hand found Valérie's, and though it was a small gesture, it felt like a lifeline.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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