5. Who is Claire LeBlanc

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Philippe walks towards Claire, noticing her expression. "What's wrong, my love?" he asks in a calming tone.

Claire's hand is still tense with anger as she throws away the crumpled paper. "I'm sorry, Philippe, it's a long story. We have a complicated history," she says, her annoyance evident. "I just feel tired."

She lies back, trying to rest, and Philippe helps her adjust her pillow and bedding. "Are you comfortable?"

Claire manages a smile and nods. "Yes, thank you."

"Try to get some sleep. I'll be right here beside you," Philippe reassures, gently holding her hand.

Looking at the attic, Claire remembers her meeting with Valérie a couple of months ago.

It was a calm afternoon. the sun cast a warm glow over the quiet neighborhood.

Claire sat in front of her laptop, scrolling over the screen and looking for her dream house while carefully taking down notes.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell broke the silence. She wasn't expecting any visitors at that time.

Claire rose from her seat at the dining table, and she rushed her way downstairs to the front door.

With a sense of curiosity, she peered through the peephole, her eyes widening in recognition at the sight of a beautiful young lady standing on the doorstep.

Valérie came to visit her, impatiently ringing the doorbell.

The girl was dressed in a tight outfit that accentuated her curves, her long brunette hair cascading in loose waves around her shoulders, framing her face with a classic beauty reminiscent of Claire's youth.

Claire hesitated for a moment, uncertain of what to expect from Valérie's surprise visit.

However, her longing prevailed, and she quickly unlocked the door, offering Valérie a warm smile as she invited her inside.

"Valérie?" Claire greeted, stepping aside to allow her entry.

Valérie returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she was stepping into Claire's home. "I hope you don't mind me dropping by unannounced." They hugged each other and exchanged cheek kisses.

Claire shook her head, gesturing for Valérie to follow her upstairs. "Not at all. It's always a pleasure to have you over," she added, nodding towards chihuahua at Valérie's side.

Valérie grinned, patting the dog affectionately on the head. "This is Max. He's been keeping me company lately," she explained. Claire's dog approached, and they both began to play together.

After Valérie took off her coat, Claire could see some bruises and fresh wounds. Claire's fingers brushed against the tender bruises on her arm, a pang of concern shot through her.

She couldn't ignore the sight of the injury, nor the pain that flickered across her face at her touch.

"Valerie, what happened?" Claire asked softly.

As the conversation flowed, Claire noticed the subtle shift in Valérie's demeanor.

Valérie hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting away as she struggled to find the right words.

"Oh, it's nothing," she replied, her voice unconvincing as she attempted to brush off Claire's concern. "I just, uh, bumped into some furniture at home. Klutziness runs in the family, you know."

But Claire wasn't convinced by Valérie's evasive answer, and she knew she couldn't let it go unanswered.

"Valérie, please," Claire urged gently, with her hand still resting on her arm. "You can trust me. Tell me!"

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