One // PDA is most definitely okay

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An hour later did Harry find himself clutching his umbrella as he gently tapped his knuckles on room 28, third floor. He didn't know how he felt about all of this- being sneaky and going to John's least favorite persons room- though he couldn't lie it was a little fun. Harry felt adventurous.

He didn't wait too long before the door swung open to reveal Louis in just a low towel around his waist. His bare chest was on view as he shook out his hair with another towel.

"If it isn't Harold Styles. Thought I would be able to call your bluff but you're here. Sorry for the lack of clothes." Louis apologized though Harry wasn't too sure it was sincere.

Stepping out of the way the older boy let Harry in. If John could see him now he'd freak. Harry hanging out with a practically naked Louis in his room- someone would get their ass beat and most likely it'd be Harry.

"No I'm serious about needing to talk. Should I wait for you to dress or..?" He offered, staying outside.

Louis groaned before pulling Harry into his room, "Just- stay out here and talk while I change. I'll be fast." He promised, grabbing Harry's elbows and moving him to sit at the edge of his messy bed, while he went to the closet.

Louis had a really nice room- big bed, balcony, amazing view- Harry was a little jealous. His room looked more or less the same but without the cool balcony. His bed felt smaller somehow too...

Shaking from it, Harry played with his umbrella, "I wanna make a deal with you." He finally said, raising his voice as he wasn't sure if Louis could hear him or not.

"Does John know? Did he set this up? Can't trust you did this on your own." Louis replied loudly too.

Harry didn't quite enjoy hearing that. He was capable of thinking on his own.

"No. John doesn't know. In fact this is about John."

Louis' head peaked out of his closet as he pulled a shirt over himself, "No way in hell am I doing a threesome with him."

Harry's face went flushed as he shook his head, "What- what no! No! No I- I need you to date me!" He explained which wasn't much better.

The older one who had turned back into his closet fumbled when he heard that, falling on his ass. He froze a moment.

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't mean it like that-" Harry quickly said, watching as Louis stormed out of the closet and towards him. He was all dressed now, but his shirt was on backwards.

"The hell did you mean then?" He asked walking up close to Harry who gulped, gently poking Louis' chest which was hard and solid. Nothing like John's...

"Your shirts backwards." He whispered.

Louis' eyes squinted as he ignored that, "Harold I'm not playing this stupid game with you. I know John sent you and to be quite blunt I'm not amused. He thought he'd catch me off guard with you but I know better." He muttered angry. Harry didn't know why.

"This has nothing to do with John! I mean it does but not like that. I want you to fake date me to make him pissed." Harry finally got out.

The older one seemed to back off at that, thankful to Harry who had been scrunched up with how close Louis was to him. He was so close Harry could smell his honey and cigarette scent.

"You fucking suck at explaining shit Harold." He scoffed, pulling his shirt off to put it on the right way. The curly haired boy quickly looked away as he did so though he's seen Louis' shirtless many times before, including just a couple minutes ago.

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