Nine // I hope we can still be friends

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It was quiet in Louis and Harry's room for a bit, neither boy saying anything.

"I'm sorry." They ended up saying at the same time, looking at each other.

Each made a face before laughing softly.

"I don't know why you're sorry, but you first." Louis nodded, sitting on the window ledge.

Biting his lip Harry played with his fingers, "About this morning. It's probably why you've been mad all day and I'm sorry. Trust me when I say John isn't a cuddly person either, so I get it." He recalled.

Glancing up at Louis, Harry watched his shake his head and lick his teeth, "So you're telling me you think I've been mad at you all day?" He asked. Now he sounded mad...

"Figured you were just acting in front of everyone." Harry shrugged.

"My god Harry- I don't know why John trained you to be like this. I wasn't fucking mad. I was hitting you on accident! All those hits were for John! I was only mad this morning because you felt the need to apologize for us cuddling! No offense but a normal person doesn't want an apology after cuddling with someone." Louis said.

Harry was confused, "You wanted to cuddle?" He whispered.

"Yes you bloody idiot! I stayed there and let you lay on me didn't I?! I wouldn't do that if it wasn't okay! You just need to stop fucking apologizing for everything little thing we do together." Louis grabbed his face.

Feeling his breath get heavy, Harry eyes started welling up with tears.

Two years ago~

"You bloody idiot!" John shouted, smacking the back of Harry's head.

"I'm sorry Johnny-" Harry started but got cut off.

"I told you not touching me! Your hands are too clammy and you're too fucking heavy to even try and sit on my lap. I told you that didn't I Harry?!" He shouted.

Harry felt his chin quiver as he nodded, "Y-yes you did." He agreed.

"Then why'd you do it? Why'd you fucking do it?!" John asked.

He didn't get a reply.

"Don't have an excuse do you? Don't fucking do it again. God... This is too much for me. We're going on a break." John decided, starting to walk away from Harry.

That caught his attention, "Johnny- John no- please- love don't. We don't need to. I promise I won't do it again!" Harry begged, grabbing his arm.

John pulled away from his touch, "Leave me alone Harry. You're giving me a migraine." He muttered, rubbing his temples.

"John please don't. I can't- we can't go on break. We just came out!" Harry awkwardly smiled, tears running down his cheeks.

Giving Harry a dark stare, John pushed him away, "We can talk later, when I'm ready to get back together."

Watching his now ex boyfriend leave, Harry started sobbing.


"Harry? Hey- are you okay?" Louis whispered, waving his hand in front of Harry's face. He'd froze.

Quickly he wiped his eyes, "Yah- yah... sorry." He mumbled, turning away from the older boy.

Being in front of Harry now, Louis chewed the inside of his mouth, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you like an asshole. I'm sorry I hit you so many fucking times today and I'm sorry we didn't finish talking about the whole cuddle situation this morning. I'm sorry. Harry I really don't mind cuddling with you though." He softly said, tucking some of Harry's curls behind his ear.

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