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A/N Finally finished a story. Look at me go(It's not the best ending but).

A couple months later~

It was hot. Really hot. Figures since it was late July, but still.

Didn't help that Louis and the boys were going at it with a whole footie match. Harry, was of course watching front and center, cheering his boyfriend on like some obnoxious girlfriend or something. Technically that was true...

"If you keep on bouncing around like that you're gonna explode." Oli teased from next to him. He was out of the game for the time being. Penalty.

Pausing from his movement, Harry looked over at him frowning, "Shut up. I'm trying to be supportive." He explained.

Laughing, Oli patted Harry before running back into the game. Worried maybe he was being too dramatic, Harry sat back down, fumbling for a water bottle.

He's never been a boyfriend before. No- that's not right. Harry's never been Louis' boyfriend before. He's been John's- but that requested hiding, and everything that it took to not be a boyfriend in public.

Louis was a different thing entirely.

Harry never went a single second without Louis' attention ever since they made it official that last night at the lake house. Felt like the perfect time to do something like that honestly, and ever since then Louis has been amazing.

He always gives Harry attention. Even if he was talking to someone else, or not focused on Harry, he'd use physical touch to show Harry he noticed him.

Sometimes he did this due to Harry being in his lap, or by holding his hand, or even rubbing his thigh- the possibilities were endless. And besides the physical touch, Louis always makes sure to mention Harry was his boyfriend.

It was like Heaven to Harry. A Heaven that constantly made Harry question if he was being just as good of a boyfriend to Louis back. I mean could you blame him? He never seemed to be for John.

Twisting off the bottle cap on his water, Harry took a couple sips, keeping to himself. He hoped he hadn't embarrassed Louis in anyway, shape, or form like Oli had made it out to seem. Harry would hate to have done at least something that made Louis wanna go on break.

God... not again.

As Harry was lost in thought, their little game finally ended. As each side of the group congratulated the other, Louis ran over to his boyfriend. The older boy was currently was shirtless, sweaty and held a big smile on his face.

"Baby!" He called, stopping abruptly in front of Harry.

Looking up from deeply staring down at the floor, Harry couldn't help but smile too. Instantly thinking his boyfriend must be hot and thirsty, he handed Louis over the water he'd been sipping, before Harry reaching over to grab Louis' sun kissed face.

"I told you to wear sunscreen." He recalled, reaching into his bag to grab some sunblock as he spoke. He was planning on rubbing some on Louis' red nose and cheeks- though it wasn't gonna go much now.

"You dosed me in some before I even played babe." Louis recalled, playfully wrinkling his nose.

Freezing from what he was doing, Harry watched the older one start gulping down the water. That's when he it hit him what exactly he was doing. Harry was acting like a crazy parent- not a boyfriend. He was being stupid! No wonder he and John were always going on breaks! He was a mess-

"Saw you cheering for me. You were very energetic." Louis hummed, stopping Harry's wild train of thought... again.

Setting the empty water bottle down, the blue eyed boy stood on he tippy toes so he could reach over the fence, which was placed around the bleachers, to kiss Harry. Immediately the curly haired one took the hint and went to return the favorite, making the task a bit easier.

"Was it too much energy? Am I breathing down your neck? Suffocating you?" Harry mumbled after the pulled slightly back from the kiss.

Making a face, Louis laughed, "Baby no. I fucking loved the energy, and how caring you are. If it wasn't for you my team would've lost, I would be even more burnt than I already am and very dehydrated. You're an amazing boyfriend." He stated.

Biting his lip hard, Harry couldn't stop himself from leaning over to squish Louis into a hug. He really did get lucky this time around.

"I love you." Harry whispered, holding Louis tightly.

Returning the hug, Louis moved his face to plant a kiss to Harry's cheek, "Loved you first." He teased.

Then playfully he started nibbling on Harry's earlobe causing him to giggle.

"Come join us. Wanna watch my sexy boyfriend play footie with me." Louis said in an attempt of a seductive voice.

It worked easily.

"I'm gonna look like a deer in headlights." Harry warned, starting to climb over the fence to join him.

With the help of Louis, he successfully got over, blushing at how surprisingly strong his boyfriend was. It was hot.

"Yet you'll still look gorgeous. Boy am I lucky." Louis grinned, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist to kiss again.

Grabbing his face, the two shared a passionate kiss before Harry finally let Louis lead the way to the field.

Yes, Harry was new to this whole healthy relationship thing, but he knew everything was gonna be okay. Why? Well because everything seemed to work out just fine when Louis was around, so Harry knew this was gonna be no different.

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