Three // They kinda look like booty shorts

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"Forget about him." Louis ordered as they walked down the hall to the couples rooms.

Harry bite his bottom lip hard as he tried not to cry, "I- I don't get it. He just- he texted me not that long ago he was excited to see me." He recalled.

Louis laughed, "Yah but that was before he realized you actually moved on. I told you Harry he's playing you, so you gotta play along. What he said out there was complete bullshit. He said it to get a reaction out of you. You can't give in. Focus on having fun remember?"

Harry forced himself to nod, swallowing the lump in his throat, "Fun." He restated.

"Good! You're learning- by the way great improv today. Coming up with that whole instant love thing. We really are great acting partners." Louis grinned as he gently patted Harry's chest after letting go of his hand.
"Now I don't know about you but I've never been in the couples suite before so I'm very excited." He added, using his now free hand to swing the door open.

Harry wish he knew what was going on. What John said threw him off- and then the fact that Louis seemed genuinely angry about it too. It was all a lot. He wasn't sure about much but he was sure that he wanted to take a hot shower and cry his eyes out at what a huge mistake this was.

That wasn't an option though was it. Too late now.

"Shit- this is nice." Louis gapped, dropping all their shit before jumping onto the bed face first. Definitely a Louis move.

The room was pretty nice. It had a big bed, a nice bathroom attached, drawers for clothes and closet space, and the window. God that was beautiful. Showing outside into the stary night along with the pier.

Harry couldn't help it as memories of his and John's time here flooded back to him, especially the sex ones. Couldn't help it after the comment he'd made...

"I uh... I can sleep on the chair tonight." Harry offered. He's slept on it before and it definitely wasn't gonna be comfortable but.

Louis sat up, "What? Harold don't be an idiot. We'll share the bed- put pillows between us or something. There are an ass ton to spare, plus I don't really move around a lot in my sleep. No one's sleeping on the chair." He argued.

The curly haired one was relieved to hear that, "Alright... also you broke rule two." He whispered, going over to the bed to start moving the pillows, not even arguing Louis on that.

Rolling onto his back on his side of the bed, Louis let out a breath, "This isn't necessarily a secret but- I don't think you're bad in bed. I think John's full of shit." He stated.

"You already said that." Harry recalled as he tiredly crawled into bed after making a pillow wall between the two.

Louis looked up at him, moving so he was sat up as well, "I mean it though. I wasn't acting or anything either. What John said was super fucked up and I should've kicked his ass for it truthfully. Even if you are bad in bed he shouldn't be saying that in front of all our friends. He's just being a jealous prick. Your plan is working Styles." He cracked a grin, reaching his finger over to poke Harry's cheek.

Softly Harry smiled, his dimple showing up, "Thanks Louis... should we wait to unpack till tomorrow? Usually John doesn't like to wait." He whispered going extremely quiet at the last part he said.

Louis noticed, "I'd say so. Let's get some fucking sleep." He decided, not saying anything about it as he went to shut the lights off.

Harry definitely felt like a rebel doing this.

As the older one came back into bed, the room now being dark, he gently grabbed the side of Harry's face. Then for just a second placed his lips against Harry's for a small peck on the mouth.

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