Eight // Abusive much

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Harry woke up the next morning in a soft groan. After their canoe trip yesterday everybody came back to the docks to play a little in the sand; Volleyball, football, footie- everybody just kept playing all these games until they were pooped, Harry especially.

He was so tired he's sure he fell asleep in louis' lap near the fire. Somehow he woke up in bed again the next morning, and he could only assume it was thanks to Louis.

As Harry started to stir a little, pressing his face more against his pillow he felt himself freeze. Harry's pillow was warm. Not only that but he felt a hand gently twirling his curls.

Trying to keep his breath as steady as he could, Harry realized that his pillow was Louis. His cheek was rested against Louis' bare chest. What the fuck happened to the pillow barrier?!

At least Louis was also asleep. His breath was deep and calm just as Harry's had been. Harry just assumed that Louis had a little twitch in his sleep causing him to play with his hair.

Well this was quite the position to be stuck in. Trying to figure out what exactly their position was, Harry noted his hand was also rested delicately against Louis' chest also. Internally he was freaking out.

To make matters worse Harry heard a soft buzzing. It took a moment for him to realize that buzzing was music. Louis, who he thought was also asleep, was in fact awake and listening to music and playing with his hair. Awake.

He had probably just changed his breathing pattern to match Harry's so he wouldn't wake him up. Too late now...

Harry was frozen for a moment, debating on what to do before deciding to fuck it. He couldn't stay like this any longer. He was started to feel weird. His stomach was. He felt... nervous about their situation.

Rubbing his eyes, Harry let out a little yawn, hoping to make it clear he was awake. Upon seeing the curly haired boy shuffling, Louis blinked his eyes open, his hand freezing from its movement.

Sitting up with his hair a mess, Harry looked over at Louis his face going red. He didn't really know what was happening with him but Louis looked good.

His hair messy per usual but looked good like that, his eyes a little droopy, his facial hair on point- and Louis was just lying there, in the same position he'd been with Harry asleep on him.

Softly Louis laughed, his voice groggy, "You look like a lion." He teased, bringing a hand up to touch Harry's puffy curls.

The younger one didn't know what else to say but-
"I'm sorry. That I was sleeping on you." Harry blurted out.

"Sorry?" Louis repeated, wrinkling his nose as he pushed himself to sit up a bit more, taking his earbud out.

"I guess I accidentally got rid of the barrier last night- but feel free to push me off of you if I do that again. I know I'm heavy and shit so I understand- plus you might just not be a cuddler in general or wanna even cuddle me." Harry started to ramble out.

Blinking a couple times, Louis let out a breath, "Harry I let you lay on me for god knows how long. Do you really think I'm just gonna push you off next time?"

"If there's a next time. And maybe you thought it'd be rude, but I give you permission."

"God. You're impossible." Louis muttered, getting out of bed.

"I apologized!" Harry recalled, not liking that Louis was mad at him.

Turning around, he looked back at Harry on the bed, "I don't want your stupid apology!" He shouted back, "I'm taking the first fucking shower by the way!" Louis said before slamming the bathroom door after himself.

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