Seven // You've never had a bj before

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Spring break wouldn't last forever. They were already more than three days in, which meant Harry had to step up his game.

"I wanna go skinny dipping." He stated firmly.

Louis, who was shaving his beard into a goatee, froze to look at the curly haired one.

"With John?" He asked.

"What?! No! With you, today during our canoe trip." Harry explained.

"Me?" Louis repeated.

He'd been acting weird ever since the bar and Harry had no fucking clue why. He thought things between them were fine.

"Forget it." Harry huffed. Now he felt stupid.

"Hey hey- no. I'm sorry, talk to me." Louis grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving the bathroom.

Harry listened, "I thought we could go skinny dipping or something. I dunno- thought we could hitch a tube together. It's stupid but I wanna do that stuff with you." Harry shrugged.

"We are doing stuff." Louis recalled.

"Romantic stuff." He corrected.

"I don't think skinny dipping is very romantic." Louis argued, wrinkling his nose.

Dramatically Harry slapped his hands against his thighs, "Well I wouldn't know I've never done it before! John hates being that nude in front of people, another reason why I wanna do it. John doesn't fucking believe we're together and I want him to choke on his own words." He muttered angrily.

"Calm down curly-" Louis laughed, "So you wanna make John jealous."

"Not jealous. I want him to see us so fucking in love that not a single fiber in his body can think we're not." Harry got out between teeth.

"To be honest love, I have the feeling that John never actually thought we were faking it. I think he just said that to make himself feel better. He's never had to deal with you doing this to him before so... why would he think it's real you know?" Louis shrugged putting the razor away.

Harry wiggled his finger at the shorter boy, "I know John. He's wasn't lying about that. " He noted.

"If you say so love. We can skinny dip if you really want to. Let's see if you'll regret it later or not." Louis hummed, patting Harry's chest as he walked out of the bathroom.

"It's basically the same as swimming isn't it- just without my shorts and as you've said those are small." Harry recalled, following after.

"This is true. Let's do it then." The older boy gave in earning a big smile from Harry. He was excited.


Everybody was down by the dock. Louis' friends, Harry's friends, John. Just how the bonfire was tradition, this also was tradition. Canoeing. Unlike this time though usually Harry goes with John and Louis with Zayn.

"Alright let's split up. Come on Tommo." Zayn hummed, grabbing Louis' shoulder as he walked towards the tube.

Quickly Harry grabbed louis' arm, "Actually Zayn I wanna go with Louis. Since he's my boyfriend and all." He recalled possessively.

"Shit, I forgot about that." Zayn apologized.

Harry kept his brows pressed together as he wrapped his arms around Louis' bicep. Putting a smile on his face did Louis bring a hand up to pat one of Harry's reassuringly.

"Zayn could just go with you two. He's your best friend isn't he Louis?" John pointed out, his arm wrapped around Amanda's shoulders.

"Nah mate. I'm not third wheeling." Zayn disagreed.

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