Five // You smell like weed

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Two years ago~

"John can we please come out tonight?" Harry begged, "Tell our friends at least?"

"No Harry. I'm not ready and you know that. So please don't hang on me and shit. It'll give it away." John ordered as they walked into their friend's dorm to hangout.

Harry didn't argue, but he was crushed. His boyfriend didn't wanna even tell their friends they were together. He hadn't told anyone. Not even his parents.

"Right..." He quietly agreed, pushing past the older one as he let himself into the dorm first.

"Harry!" Liam cheered as he saw the curly haired one, a drink in his hands.

"Hey Payno." Harry forced a smile on his face as he eyed the drink, "Aren't you under age?" He asked. He was 19 so he's sure Liam wasn't allowed to have that.

He shrugged, "Eh- we have an adult in the room so it's okay." Liam mentioned towards the back of someone Harry's never seen before.

"Who's that?" He asked. He doesn't recall ever seeing that person before- and they don't have the largest friend group ever so it would be almost impossible to miss someone this would time.

"Right! You haven't met Tommo yet. That's Zayn's friend Louis. He doesn't care for crowds which is why you've never met him before. Guess he decided to show up tonight." Liam explained.

As he talked Harry caught sight of John walking past them to go talk to Kendall. He felt himself bite his lip painfully.

"I wanna met him. Introduce myself." He decided, turning back towards Liam.

"Yah? Alright. I'm sure he'll get a crack out of you." Liam winked, touching Harry's back as he lead the way to the seemingly shorter boy.
"He's single too by the way." Harry heard Liam add.

He gave Liam a nod, not sure why he said that.

"Tommo!" Liam called.

Immediately the other boy turned around, replying with an, "OI OII!" cupping his mouth.

Harry felt himself let out a little breath at the boys piercing blue eyes, and his smile. He had nice teeth. Aside from that his upper lip and chin prickled with some facial hair, and the hair atop his head was messy, almost like bed head, but it looked good on him.

"Tommo this is my friend Harry. He's also friends with Zayn." Liam told Louis, clapping Harry's shoulder.

Harry eyed the beer in louis' hand as he held the other one out for him to shake, "Nice to meet you Harry, I'm Louis." He smiled.

"How old are you?" Harry found himself asking as he took his hand. He had smaller hands then him, but figures since he was shorter.

Louis made a face, looking at Liam who laughed, "Way to be subtle Harry." He muttered.

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