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Season 1, Episode 1: Death By Misadventure

ASTRIA LEE RAY was a young, but brilliant girl. She was always top of her class and had the best grades. Psyche -- you thought. Not saying she wasn't smart, but she didn't go to a public school. Astria was homeschooled and a sheltered girl. She was silent, but ready to speak. She held everything in until she needed to let it out. Her father, Charles Lee Ray aka Chucky, was a ruthless killer in the place of a doll.

Now, of course, Astria knew what her father was and is like. She had found out when she accidentally walked in on him murdering a man.

10 year old Astria heard the noise of what it seemed a man gargling outside her room. With her eyebrows furrowed, she got up from her bed, walking out of her room. Heading towards the noise, she wasn't sure what to except, but she certainly didn't except to see her father murdering a man in their small living room.

"Dad?" She hesitantly called out, his head snapping over to her.

"Uh- Astria," Charles, panicked, didn't know what to say. Astria stepped forward a few steps, making eye contact with the man her father was butchering. Her face was stoic as she examined what was happening. She didn't seem bothered by it though.

"What'd he do?" She asked, curious.

Charles stumbled to get off the man, blood covering his white button up and his black pants, "H-he was pissing me off, you know me, hon, my temper is very short." Her father's accent covered up most of the panic, but she could tell it was there.

"Yeah, it is."

"Why aren't you freaking the fuck out?" Her father asked, confused.

"Why would I? I had my suspicions something weird was happening, but I didn't know how to find out." Astria explained, seeming calm about everything.

Charles chuckled as he calmed down about everything, "My daughter's a fucking genius."

Astria smiled, "Thanks."

"Help me clean up?" Charles asked, trying to get in some daddy-daughter time.

"Only if I get the next kill." Astria smirked, her father matching it.

So, now here she was, on her way -- to Hackensack, New Jersey -- trying to find out where her father is, especially since he called her and asked for her help. She was driving in a replica of her mother's (Tiffany Valentine) 1960 Pontiac. She loved when her mother bought it for her, excited to finally drive it when she got her license.

As she drove, her music softly playing in the background, Paradise by The Neighbourhood, Astria bopping her head up and down gently to the rhythm.

Her phone vibrated, indicating a new message. Astria grabbed it from the cupholder, seeing the notification. It was from her father, giving her an address. perry middle school, enroll yourself kid. The message read, making her roll her eyes, grumbling, as she searched up the school.

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