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ASTRIA LEE RAY laid on a hospital bed, wearing a gown, with a tube around her nose. It had been 2 months since the accident that had taken place during the premiere night of Frankenstein. And not a word has came out of Astria, mostly because she was unconscious the whole time.

Someone knocked on the door, opening it, before they closed it behind them. "Hey," A familiar voice said, "I brought you some flowers." The voice was Junior's. He set the flowers down on the table, walking up to her, sitting on the chair that rested beside her. He grabbed her hand, squeezing it.

"It's been 2 months since the accident. I come everyday, waiting for you to wake up, but I'm always disappointed." Junior let out a sad chuckle, before he breathed out slowly, "I'm always gonna wait for you, you did the same to me."

"Nothing new has happened, yet. Jake, Devon, and Lexy come to visit you sometimes, I don't know if you know or if you can hear anything." His voice cracked, "I miss you. A lot." He squeezed their hands, "I miss hearing your broken voice -- and not in a bad way." He chuckled, "I miss you so much." A few tears fall out of his eyes, landing on their conjoined hands.

"I wish it was me instead of you that night." He admitted, rubbing his thumb over her hand, "I miss when you used to make me blush so easily. And when you teased me. I really wish it was me that night."

Junior felt a movement in Astria's hand, looking up to her face, his eyebrows furrowing as he saw her eyes move behind her eyes, making him stand up quickly from the chair, "Astria?" He asked in shock, getting a short response from the girl.

"W-water." She coughed, her throat feeling dry, as Junior rushed to get her water, handing the cup over as he helped her sit up slightly. She swallowed some water, giving him the glass back making him put it back down.

"Junior." She smiled at the boy and he felt like it was the first time he saw her. Tears quickly formed in his eyes, as they fell, making her worry, "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" She grabbed his hand, squeezing it as she watched him.

"I thought you were dead." He cried, staring at her with sadness.

"I am."


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