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Season 1, Episode 2: Give Me Something Good To Eat

11 YEAR OLD ASTRIA was on a walk with her father. She wanted to find her first victim and she was more than excited.

"Find anyone yet?" Charles asked, looking down to the short girl.

"That guy," She pointed at a chubby man, sitting down, who was shoving his face into some cotton candy while staring at girls walking by, "he seems dirty."

"That's what she said," Chucky cackled, "now, remember, because you are young as fuck, you don't want to get caught easily. Who knows what happens if my daughter ends up in jail, or worse, I do." He seemed put off by that thought, snapping out of it quickly, "Do something subtle, you know, knife him when he's not looking or slip in some razors. Just fucking do something. And...don't tell Tiff I let you do this."

"Of course not, mom will have a heart attack." Astria nodded, knowing her mother. "I'll be back in a second." Charles watched his daughter walk off, shaking his head.

"The fuck am I doing?" He asked to himself, he didn't know if letting his daughter kill was a good or bad idea, but better to start young.

Astria came back, minutes later, pulling something from behind her back. She was holding a container of thumbtacks and a bucket of popcorn. She looked up to her father, "Think'll it work?"

He smirked at her idea, "No doubt." Astria opened the container of thumbtacks and poured it into the bucket of popcorn, shaking it up so it was hidden. "He's a pig, he won't even notice."

Astria smiled at his words, walking up to the man, saying a few words, as she gave him the popcorn, coming back to her father. "Now we wait."

The man shoved the popcorn into his mouth, grabbing handfuls as he enjoyed the buttery flavor until he paused, tasting metal. His throat started bubbling and blood started spluttering out as he started to choke on his own blood. A girl near by noticed the man and started screaming in fear, attracting attention as people ran to get away.

Astria and Charles cackled, identical laughter ringing in the air as they walked away. The daddy-daughter duo.


It was a week later from Chucky's reveal and it was Halloween. Astria's favorite holiday. But, right now, she was stuck in a car with the Wheeler family. She was sitting in the back between Jake and Junior, who couldn't make eye contact with her.

Jake squirmed in his seat, looking around. Logan noticed this and spoke up, "You okay back there, buddy?"

"Yeah, it's just -- my seat's hot." Jake said.

"Oh, Jake, I'm sorry. You can turn that down. There's a switch over there on the right." Logan told the boy who turned off the seat heater.

Junior looked over to Jake, not looking at Astria, "You know, long periods of exposure can cause second-degree burns. It's called Toasted Skin Syndrome." Astria looked over to the boy, smirking at his words.

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