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Season 1, Episode 7: Twice The Grieving, Double The Loss

IT WAS THE DAY of Bree's funeral, a gloomy one. Everybody was dressed in black suits or black dresses. Astria sat next to Junior, holding his hand, giving him some comfort, as Lexy and her parents came over. Lexy's parents greet Logan, giving him hugs and their condolences.

Lexy sat on the other side of Junior, rubbing his back, while Astria let her, knowing he needed the comfort.

"Bree's passing is a tremendous loss we will all feel for a very long time." Lexy's mom said to Logan sincerely.

"If there's anything you need," Lexy's dad started, trailing off as he nodded at the man who understood, nodding, as he sat back down.

"Hi, good to see you," Lexy told Junior, before standing up and walking away.

Astria felt Junior hold on tighter to her hand, giving him a sad smile, as she rubbed his back.

"T-thank you for being here." Junior whispered to her, not having the strength to talk louder.

"I will always be here." Astria gave him a smile, which he returned, but it wasn't as strong as hers. "I'll, uh, be right back. Let me know if you need me." She squeezed his knee, letting go of his hand, as she stood up, walking out of the house to get some fresh air.

She saw the group of three, walking over, as she offered Devon her condolences, giving him a short hug.

"So, you're staying with your aunt?" Jake asked, as Devon nodded.

"Uh, yeah."

"Maybe, we three can come over later and figure out what to do next." Jake offered, as Lexy and Devon looked down, making him and Astria confused, "What?"

"I'm on lockdown." Lexy answered, "My parents think it was another accident, but I was here, so they also think I'm Satan." She rolled her eyes, "I think everyone does."

"I found out why my mom showed up that night." Devon revealed, "Someone called her. Said I was in trouble. Told her I was here."

Astria sighed, "It was Chucky."

"He wanted me to see her die." Devon said, his voice cracking.

"He did the same thing to Junior." Lexy spoke.

"To me too." Jake mentioned. "Why is Chucky killing our parents? And why is he rubbing it in our faces?"

"'Cause he's a dick and an asshole." Astria said, pressing her lips in.

"What should we do?" Lexy asked.

"Nothing." Devon answered, shaking his head.

"He's not gonna stop coming for us just 'cause we gave up." Jake pointed out, as Astria nodded.

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