9.5 | Damballa Loves Me

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Season 3, Episode 7: There Will Be Blood

"DAD? What are you doing here?" Astria asked, looking at her father in confusion. He wasn't in his doll form, but in his old body. With her arms crossed over her chest, she tilted her head as her father stared at her in shock. It's been a while since they've seen each other.

A while being almost two years since Astria's death in Hackensack.

"Astria." He breathed out, surging forward to hug his daughter, as she awkwardly hugged back.

"Uhh, dad?" She called out, her arms awkwardly hanging out. Charles pulled out of the hug, looking at his daughter.

"You're supposed to be dead. Where am I? And how am I here?" He questioned, confused, looking around the room they were in.

"The purgatory, kind of. It's more of a spirit realm, but for people who haven't moved on, you know? And you're here, so that means you're dead." Astria explained, then paused, "Oh, by the way, thanks for reminding me." She then gave her father a strong punch to his shoulder, making him groan in pain as he held onto his shoulder, "That's for fucking killing me and I don't exactly know why I'm here, so."

Charles gave her an apologetic look, "I didn't mean to, plus, those plans Tiff had for your body swap didn't work out so well." He gave a shrug.

Astria rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "How is Mom? And Glen and Glenda?"

"Your mom's in jail," He nonchalantly said, "I don't remember where Glen and Glenda are, sorry, but last time I saw them, they were with your mother, they found out she's Tiff and not Jennifer."

Astria looked at him in shock, "Mom actually got arrested, wow." She said in awe. "Wait, they found out!?"

Charles rolled his eyes, "Can we get out of this creepy ass room now?"

Astria nodded, shaking the thoughts out of her head, walking out of the door as her father followed behind her. They were in the White House in Washington D.C, but technically not the actual White House. As they walked, they noticed everybody who had died in the house and the way they died.

"Damn, dad. Didn't leave them a chance, huh?" She gave her father a look of surprise, but slight awe.

Charles calmly shrugged, "Eh, they deserved it." Astria gave her father a look of knowing, but he avoided her eyes as she shook her head with a small smile on her face.

Hesitating on her next words, she spoke up, "How's - how's Junior?"

Charles paused, looking at his daughter with slight sympathy, "He's - uh - hanging in there." He awkwardly said, "Still alive, so you know, that's something."

DERANGED - Junior WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now