10 | A Mother-Fucking Reunion / The True Ending

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Season 3, Episode 8: Final Destination

ASTRIA WAS DEAD. She had died after the events in the theatre, after her father had killed her, after she sacrificed herself to protect the one she loved. So she was extremely confused when she woke up with a splitting headache.

She's supposed to be dead, Astria knows that. Her eyes opened, as she winced, feeling the pounding in her head. She looked around, straining her eyes in the unusually blue hazed area. Everything had a darker aura to it, so Astria made the assumption she was in purgatory or the after life - whatever came after death.

Standing up from the ground, she winced, "Where the fuck am I?" She muttered to herself, before knowing she wouldn't get answer - not now at least. She looked around the room she was in, noticing a bunch of pictures on the wall of presidents? Was she in the White House? And how?

Ignoring the pictures, she walked over to the door with the bloody doorknob, scrunching her face up as she felt the blood on her palm as she twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

Wiping her hand on her jacket, she looked around as she walked out, not knowing where she was going. The hallways and rooms seemed to be just like the ones in the White House, so Astria assumed that's where she was.

Astria walked into a room, twisting the door open, as she peaked her head in hesitantly, eyes widening as she recognized the younger version of her father, Charles Lee Ray. "Um, hello?" She asked, opening the door more as she entered the room. The younger version was sitting on a bed - the version was a child, couldn't be more than nine years old.

Kid Charles looked at her with a smile on his face, "Hi! Who are you?" He stayed on his bed as he spoke, making Astria assume it was okay to enter the room more as she looked around, noticing the pictures and paintings on the wall. It certainly looked like a kid had drawn them.

"I'm Astria." She introduced, taking a few steps closer to the bed as she couldn't believe she was in the same room as the younger version of her dad.

"That's a pretty name! I'm Charles." He replied, as he pat his bed, indicating he wanted her to sit, which she did, "So why are you here?"

Astria thought about the question, she didn't know how to answer it, "Where is here, Charles?" It felt weird to call him Charles, but he didn't know that.

"The spirit realm. It's where people go that have unfinished business. So if you're here, then you have to do something." Charles explained as Astria's mouth turned into an 'o' shape.

"I don't know why I'm here, I remember dying, but after that, it goes all blank." She told him, looking down as she thought about Junior. She missed him, but she didn't regret dying for him. At all.

DERANGED - Junior WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now