8 | The Ending

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Season 1, Episode 8: An Affair To Dismember

ANDY BARCLAY rang the doorbell again, waiting outside the Wheeler house.

"Shit." Chucky cursed.

"Who is he?" Junior questioned, confused, as the three of them watched through the window.

"Someone who never had the balls to be one of us." Chucky answered, looking at Junior.

"Or the height," Junior remarked, as Astria laughed, "Dude's almost as short as you."

"I know, right?" Chucky said, as the three of them shared a laugh.

Andy then rang the doorbell again, as Astria rolled her eyes, "This dude couldn't get any more insistent, could he?"

"I wouldn't doubt it." Chucky noted, as Junior looked to the side.

"What do we do?" He asked, looking at the doll for an answer.

"What do you think?" Chucky curtly said. Junior nodded, walking with Astria as he took his hoodie off, changing out of his blood stained clothes.

"Here, let me." Astria offered, helping the boy wipe his face off with a rag. She gently scrubbed the blood off, smiling at the boy.

"You're amazing." Junior complimented, making Astria give him a confused look, as she continued to clean his face, "You stuck by me through everything. Thank you."

Astria gave him a gentle look, as she put the rag down, stroking his cheek, "As I've said before, I'll always be here." She leaned in and connected their lips, smiling into the kiss as Junior deepened it. He gently pushed her against the wall and Astria smirked, running her tongue over his bottom lip as she pulled him closer by the waist.

They pulled away as their moment got ruined by Andy ringing the doorbell, again. Astria groaned and rolled her eyes, "Come on." She sighed, annoyed, as she pulled Junior with her down the stairs.

Junior opened the door, as Andy said, "I'm looking for Jake Wheeler."

"And you are?" Junior asked.

"A friend." Andy told them.

"Aren't you a little too old to be one of Jake's friend?" Astria spoke up, raising her eyebrows.

Andy, ignoring the question, asked, "Is he here?"

Junior shook his head, "Nope."

"What about your mother?"

Junior's facade faltered slightly, as Astria grabbed his hand, squeezing it in support, as Andy eyed the movement, "She died."

"She died?" Andy thought back, pausing for a second, "How?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but she killed herself." Junior snapped, holding his hand tighter to Astria's.

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