4 | Burnt Up Cookie Doll

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Season 1, Episode 4: Just Let Go

JAKE HAD SENT Astria a bunch of messages, informing her about what happened at Lexy's house, so here they were, in her car, as she pulled up to the hospital.

Parking her car, Jake and Astria exited it, walking towards the entrance of the hospital. They entered and looked around, "How are we supposed to know where to go?" Astria muttered to Jake who shrugged.

They turned left, heading into an elevator that took them up -- where, they have no idea. They got out of the elevator, walking blindly, before they notice Detective Evans talking to Oliver Hayden's parents, "I'm very sorry to have to tell you this..." She didn't have to finish her sentence before Oliver's mom started sobbing as she turned to her husband, crying in his arms.

"Oliver..." Astria 'sadly' said, as the two walked past, they turned a corner, as Jake's walk turned into a run, Astria following behind.

They got to a section where kids were being treated for burns -- assuming they were at Lexy's party. They left and started walking before they saw the room Junior was being held at. He was sitting on a gurney in a gown with his parents next to him. Astria looked at him in concern as he had a tube around his nose. She was relieved he was awake though.

"You can go to him, if you want." Jake said, noticing the look on her face. She paused, shaking her head as she felt guilty. She told him to go to the party, she felt like it was partly her fault.

"No." She said, walking off, Jake following after before they stopped at the room Devon was in. Jake stared and gave him a soft smile and wave which Devon returned. Jake walked off while Astria stayed a few seconds behind, giving him an apologetic look which Devon gave her a smile for.

She then followed after Jake who stopped at Caroline's room, who was laying on a gurney with a mask over her face, unconscious. They stared at the young girl who laid on the bed, before Lexy came across them, putting a hand on Jake's shoulder, scaring him. "Jake, Astria."

The two turned to her, she was fully intact. "You're here." Astria said in disbelief, she thought Chucky would've killed her by now.

"Chucky did it." Lexy said, still in slight shock. "Did he kill your dad too?"

Jake nodded, not making eye contact with the girl who was in disbelief and shock. Lexy gasped and gaped, "Holy shit! I mean, fuck." The three of them moved to the side, walking.

"Yeah." Jake replied.

"How?" Lexy asked, confused.

"We don't exactly know." Astria gave her a pursued lips looked.

"When did you find out?" Lexy questioned, giving the girl a small glare.

"Talent show."

"So that was him talking?" Lexy put the pieces together. "For real talking?" She stared in shock at the ground.

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