5 | Dumpster Diving

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Season 1, Episode 5: Little Little Lies

"FOLLOW ME," Lexy said, as she ran out of her sister's hospital room. The four of them -- Devon, Jake, Astria, and Lexy -- were trying to figure out where Chucky had went, now that Caroline realized she didn't want him after seeing the burn marks. The three followed after Lexy as she ran, heading through the hospital's parking lot and to the dumpsters where they kept all the garbage...and the needles.

"What are the chances he burned to death?" Lexy asked, her face scrunching up, as Astria shook her head. Lexy didn't have to look at their faces as she knew it was too good to be true, "Okay." She pressed her lips in and walked down the stairs.

The three followed and they looked around. More garbage came piling through the disposal, making Astria scrunch her face up in disgust. All of the diseases that are probably in there.

They walked around, Astria discreetly pulling her phone out as she sent a message to her father. where you at? She sent, getting a reply not even a second later, not in the fucking dumpster that's for sure. She read, as she rolled her eyes, knowing they wouldn't find anything down here, putting her phone back into her pocket.

More disposal bags came through, a hazardous logo on it, as Lexy scoffed, "Uh-uh. No way, this is disgusting."

"We have to be sure." Jake responded, as more bags kept coming in. Astria noticed Devon giving her an odd look, making her furrow her eyebrows as she looked at him confused.

"I don't know what's worse, stabbed with a butcher knife or a used needle." Devon said, looking at Astria with a weird look, making her eyes narrow.

Was he catching onto her?

"I'll do it. It's my mess." Jake bravely said, as Astria nodded. There was no way she was touching anything in that.

"We're in this together." Lexy spoke, making Astria discreetly roll her eyes.

"Together." Devon repeated, nodding his head.

"That's what I said." Lexy looked at him, exasperated, as Astria chuckled. The machine churns again.

"God, fucking, damn. How many of these things come through?" Astria asked, looking at it with disgust. The three others chuckled at her words.

"Maybe we -- you know, we could wait for him to come for us." Devon told them, not wanting to admit he was scared. "He can't stay down there forever."

Astria gave him a look, "Yes he can."

"Yeah, what exactly are the rules for supernaturally possessed dolls that are father's of gingers?" Lexy jabbed at Astria, making her glare.

"You little --" Astria started, but got cut off by Jake.

"Hey, guys, I have an idea." He started, walking over to grab a long wooden broom, "I'll get him out. Lexy, dig." He threw her some latex gloves, "Devon and Astria, keep watch."

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