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I sighed, making my bed. I peeked out of my hut, strands of my h/c hair draping across my face. It was nearly dark, meaning the bonfire Newt was talking about should be soon.. I thought so anyway. I had made myself a hair brush out of some wood and twine. Someone asked me how I made it, but even I don't know at this point. I was bored. I knew I was. So I decided to wander around. Amazing idea since wandering around would never ever get me in trouble. Never..

I walked out of my hut and headed across the field toward the small forestry they have surrounding the field. I looked down at the grass, once green, now a midnight purple due to the sky darkening. I looked up at the inky sky, with lush, white dots sprayed everywhere. It was beautiful. I looked back down at the ground, then suddenly bumped into something.. No - someone. I quickly snapped my head up to see an angry blonde-ish boy with some arched eyebrows. He glared at me.

"Watch it, Greenie.." He grumbled. I frowned up at him.

"Sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was going.." I apologised, but quickly try and change the subject. "Uhm.. anyway..! I'm Y/n, I don't think we've met yet."

"I've heard your name around enough to know who you are." The boy seemed to talk with some sort of disgust in his voice. "I'm Gally." He reluctantly sighs. I gave him a small smile.

"Well, hello, Gally." I greeted, my voice a lot smoother than I anticipated. "Sorry. Anyway, I do apologise.. again. Uh.. I'll leave you to it now.." I exited the conversation the best I could, and he rolled his eyes before continuing walking where he was initially going.

I let out a heavy sigh of relief once I'm away from everyone. I noticed a tree ahead of me. Very climbable.. I must climb it.

And so I did. I sat happily on a thick branch, a good 10-15 ft off the ground. I suddenly heard a voice with a familiar, funny accent.

"What the bloody hell are you doing up there?" I snapped my head to my right and looked down to see a baffled Newt. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and he chuckled. "The bonfire is about to start. Do you want to pop in?" I frown.

"Can you come up here? Pleaseee?" I pleaded. The truth is that I just wanted to stay in the tree longer. It was nice up here.

"Uh.." Newt paused, glancing around. "Sure." He finally agreed after some consideration as if his life depended on it. And so soon Newt climbed the tree, and joins me on the branch. He sat against the trunk while I sat opposite him with nothing to support my back with, but it's okay.

"I met Gally. Great first impression." I said, frowning at Newt. Newt cocked a brow.

"What happened?" He asked, as if knowing Gally was a prick to me.

"Well, I accidentally bumped into him, and he glared at me. But it's okay because he didn't have a go at me." I smiled, proud of the fact I wasn't shouted at. Newt stuffled a chuckle.

"I thought you were going to say he said something stupid then." He sighed. I stared off at the woods for a minute or two before looking back at Newt. We locked eyes immediately, and he quickly looked away.

"The bonfire will probably start soon.." I said absent-mindedly. I blinked. "Oh, sorry. I just kind of.. Said that." Just as Newt was about to say something, I hear someone call for Newt. Both of our heads turn in the direction of the voice. It came from a brunette boy with a blue-ish grey-ish shirt.

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