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I woke up the next morning to a knocking on my door. I furrowed my brows and wearily walked to my door.

"C'mon, shank. Open the door." I groaned. I knew who that was already. I opened the door.

"Yes, Minoh..?" I asked tiredly. He seemed excited.

"Soooo.. I thought I'd offer you a chance to run. With me and Thomas." Minoh said. My eyes lit up with surprise.

"What? Why?" I asked, confused by the sudden offer.

"Well, you out ran Ben yesterday. That alone says something. Also, as far as I'm aware, you're a quick thinker. I've already spoken with Newt and the others. Newt wasn't too keen, but I have my ways." Why is this guy so excited about it all, though?

"Uh.." I hesitated, contemplating the offer. Maybe being a runner wouldn't be too bad.. "When would we have to leave?"

"In about 10 minutes' time." Minoh answered.

"Right.. so what is this? A tryout?"

"Pretty much." He shrugged, gazing at me as he waited for my answer.

"Sure. I don't see why not." As soon as I said this, Minoh shouted.

"YES!" I jumped back when he shouted in what was probably victory.

"Bloody hell.. Bit dramatic.." I blinked. Did I really just say that? "Right, so Um.. I'll meet you and Thomas at the doors in ten minutes?" I said, quickly ignoring the fact I'd just said 'Bloody hell'. Luckily, I don't think Minoh noticed. I wonder where I'd picked that up from..

"Yeah, sounds good." And with that, Minoh left. I closed the door and let out a heavy sigh. Why would I do this to myself? I rolled my eyes and sat on my cot, slipping my feet into my combat boots. I tied them tightly and stood up, brushing myself down. I tied my hair in a high pony tail with a plait tied in it. Two thick strands of hair weren't long enough to be put in the pony tail, so they hung loosely in front of my face. I headed out of my hut.

I walked across the field. Upon seeing the maze walls, a feeling of dread washed over me. I stop next to Thomas and put my hands on my hips, gazing up at the walls. "My gosh.." I uttered breathlessly. It looked so pretty yet so terrifying.

"My reaction when I first saw it.." Thomas mumbled.

"That is not true. Your shuck face tried to run at it when you first came out of the Box and then face planted." Minoh teased Thomas. Thomas shot him an angry glare. I chuckled.

"Y/n!" I heard someone with that accent call behind me. I turned around and saw an anxious Newt and Gally.

"Oh, hey." I greeted calmly.

"So you agreed?" Newt asked. I noticed his anxious expression as he gazed at me.

"Mhm." I hummed, smiling softly. "A little birdie told me you were hesitant to let me go." I stated, cocking a brow in his direction. Newt crossed his arms defensively.

"And what if I was? You've only been here two days..!" Newt retorted defensively.

"No need to get so defensive about it. I was only saying." I chuckled teasingly. Newt rolled his eyes. Soon, Gally spoke up.

"Just don't mess up."

"Who says I'll mess up?" I scoffed bluntly, looking at him. Gally didn't reply. I heard an approving whistle from behind me, slicing through the silence. I glanced over at Minoh, the one who whistled. I looked back at the two blonde boys.

"I'll be fine." I finally said calmly.

"But-" Newt began.

"No buts. I promise I'll be fine. Besides, I've got these two shanks to look after me, haven't I?" I gestured to Thomas and Minoh. Newt sighed in defeat.

"Fine." He uttered. I glanced at Gally who looked somewhat shocked.

"Giving into the girl already, Newt?" Minoh teased.

"Back off, shuckface." Newt grumbled.


Once Gally and Newt left, I turned to Thomas and Minoh. Minoh stared at me. "What..?" I queried, a bit concerned.

"That is the first time I've ever seen that happen.." He mumbled in shock.

"Seen what happen?" I asked, confused.

"Newt has never, ever given into anyone that easy before. Same with Gally. He usually would've snapped really quickly."

"I second that. I've not been here long, but I've been here long enough to know." Thomas said, agreeing with Minoh.

"I guess I have my ways too then." I teased, quoting Minoh. He only rolled his eyes at that.

"C'mon, we should go." Thomas breathed before running into the maze. Me and Minoh ran after him.


We finally returned to the Glade. Most of the run, I was thinking about what happened before I left. 'Newt has never, ever given into anyone that quickly.' Minoh's words rang in my head.

"You're back." I looked up. Newt. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, yeah?" He asked, already concerned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Clearly not. Have you seen your bloody leg?" Newt asked, furrowing his brows with concern.

"Huh..?" I looked down at my leg. I didn't even notice. I must've caught it at some point. I stared at the gash on my thigh and frowned. "I didn't even notice.."

"Let's take you to the med-jacks." Newt stated. Leaving no room for argument. He waited for me to start walking before he did. I groaned and chuckled.

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A/N: Helloooo! Apologies for the short one this time. Have a good day xoxo

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