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I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the faint light. I sat up, blinking. I looked around. I was in my hut. I gently rubbed my temples, confused. Was it a dream? A knock on the door snatched me out of my daze.

"Y/n?" A voice called for me. I recognised it as Minho's.

"Mhm.. Come in!" I replied wearily. Minho opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him. He looked ecstatic. "Wha.. What's up? What's going on?"

"Soooo.. you know how you wanted to become a med-jack?" I hummed quietly. "Wellll, I may or may not have spoken to Jeff and Clint, and they want to take you on! They've seen how you work, even from a distance, and they were going to ask to take you on yesterday but didn't get the chance. They want you in the hut when you're free." It took me a minute to process the information. I slowly smiled once I realised what he meant. I got up and rushed toward him, jumping up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist, clinging to him like a koala.

"Thankyou, thankyou, thankyouuuuu!" I said quickly. He stumbled back a bit before returning the hug.

"No problem, Y/n.." He chuckled quietly. I felt his breath hitch, and he slowly put me down. He plastered a smile on his face. He looked terrified. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "I'll leave you be, make sure you pay Jeff and Clint a visit!" Is all he said before jogging off to the maze, signalling Ben to go with him. They ran into the maze. I was so confused. I looked around and saw no one but Newt, but he was working on the garden. What made Minho so scared then?


I brushed myself down before heading to the med-jack hut.

I walked in hesitantly before meeting eyes with a dark-skinned boy.

"Hey, you must be Y/n. I'm Jeff. And that over there -" He gestures to a boy folding up bandages. "- Is Clint." I nodded. "Minho told me you'd taken interest in being a Med-jack?" I nodded again, and Jeff chuckled quietly. "Well, me and Clint saw how well you manage yourself, even when you rolled your ankle the other night at the bonfire." I rolled my ankle? I don't remember that.. "And we wanted to take you on before Alby started making you try out for jobs, and then he'd pick one for you." Jeff paused. "So, would you like to be a Med-jack?" I nodded quickly.

"Yes, please." I answered, smiling softly. Jeff's eyes lit up at this.

"Clint!" He called. The boy folding bandages looked up. "We got a third Med-jack." Clint smiled at me once he heard this.

"Welcome." He said quietly, smiling before continuing to fold bandages.

"So," Jeff began. "What do you know about first aid?" I paused. Most of it was common knowledge. I told him what I knew, and his eyes lit up. "That's amazing! I mean, you can start now if you'd like? Or you can start tomorrow and help out with other jobs for now?"

"I'd like to start now, if that's okay." I said. Jeff beamed at me.


I sat on the edge of the cabinet, rolling a bandage roll. Jeff and Clint had left me to it and told me they had a meeting and that they had trusted me to manage it all since I'd done so well so far. I suddenly heard shouts and yelling.

"MED-JACK!!" I heard someone shout. My eyes widened, and I dropped the bandage. I ran out of the hut and looked for the source of the yelling. I see a group of boys surrounding something. My eyes widened. Zart had run up to me.

"Quick! Come quick!" He said, out of breath. "It's Thomas." He started running back toward the swarm of boys. I ran without hesitation. I darted past Zart. I was a quick runner. I pushed through the group of boys. I saw Newt among them. I saw Thomas laying on the floor, a boy kneeling next to him. He was still shouting for a med-jack.

"I'M HERE!" I shouted, tired of the yelling. I kneeled down by Thomas. "What happened? One person talking, and one only."

"He just came back from the maze, and he passed out. He looked pale, and he has a long gash along his torso." It was Zart who spoke. I nodded.

"Okay.. okay, I can work with this." I breathed. "Two people carry him to the med-jack hut and be gentle. Don't drop him. Once you're in, place him gently on a bed." Frypan and Zart stepped forwards and picked Thomas up. His head lolled to the side. I glanced at him, clearly concerned. I ran back to the med-jack hut and began getting bandages and everything I'd need prepared. It didn't take long for Frypan and Zart to catch up to me. They put Thomas on the bed. "Don't let anyone in unless it's Newt, Alby, Gally, Minho, Jeff, or Clint." The two nodded and stood outside at the door. I looked at Thomas.

"Let's see what I can do, shank.." I muttered before checking him over for injuries. I gently lifted his shirt to look at the gash I was told about. I winced at the sight. It was nasty. I get some water and cotton pads and begin to clean it. I occasionally glanced up at Thomas' face in between changing pads. Luckily, he wasn't bleeding anymore, and honestly, I'm surprised he isn't. I grabbed the bandages and gauze and wrapped his wound. I put his shirt back down and began to check for any other injuries that may be lingering. Nothing. I furrowed my brows in confusion. What could have caused this?

I began to carefully check his head for any wounds or causes for this. I gently felt around, making sure I wasn't to wake him up. Still nothing. I didn't understand why he had a random gash that bad, and no one noticed or said anything until he was about to pass out. There wasn't much blood loss either, which alone is shocking, but that means he didn't pass out from blood loss.

Suddenly, I heard a shuffle behind me. I quickly looked over my shoulder and saw three people. Gally, Newt, and Minho. I looked at them curiously and stepped away from Thomas.

"Do you need anything?" I asked before tossing the used equipment in the bin that was no longer useable. Gally was the first to speak.

"Yeah, actually. I need to know what injuries you found on him." He spoke with a harsh tone, and I glared at him before speaking.

"He had a gash on his torso, but that's it. No broken bones.. no fractures.. no bruises.. no marks. Nothing..
Not even anything to the head. Just the gash and the fact he passed out." The three exchanged confused looks.

"That IS weird." Minho stated, his gaze flicking between me, Newt and Gally, and occasionally Thomas.

"Do you know anyone that might have been with him, or anyone that was with him?" I asked, and the three shook their heads. "Well, hopefully, we can get some answers once he's awake. He didn't have any injuries to his head."

"Yeah, I think he'll be fine. The shank is always fine." Gally scoffed.

"True, the shuckface survived a night in the maze." Minho said. We all managed a chuckle.

"Right, well I suppose you guys should be left to it then? I'll let you know when he's awake straight away." I said, offering them all a small smile before they left. Newt was the only one to return it.

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A/N: HII! I loved writing this chapter so much. If you guys have any suggestions for the next chapter, let me know! :)

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