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I slowly opened my eyes to the faint sound of chirping birds. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. I kicked my legs off the bed. I leaned forward to put my combat boots on. I tied them tight and stood up and did some stretches to try and wake myself up a little more.

I yawned as I walked out of my hut. It was still a little dark. I let the cool, morning air greet me as I stepped outside. The faint breeze blew my hair in the gentle winds. I walked across the field quietly before I'm stopped by a voice. I looked over my shoulder to see a brunette boy. It took me a moment to realise that it's Thomas.

"Y/n!" He calls, trying not to be too loud that he woke everyone else up.

"Oh.. Hey. What's up?" I asked as I stopped to let him catch up.

"I just wanted to say hi. I mean, we haven't met yet, and I wanted to introduce myself to you. Newt told me you're nice anyway." He shrugged after saying the last bit.

"Oh." I chuckled quietly. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Thomas. Aren't you the one that came up in the box right before me?" Thomas nodded.

"Yeah, I was. You haven't met Gally yet, have you?" He asked.

"Gally.." I paused, trying to remember who he was talking about. "Ohhh..! Gally. Yeah, I've met him. Were you not at the bonfire last night?" I asked him, cocking a brow.

"No, I was there for a bit but went to bed early." He explained.

"Right, that's fine then. He made me fight him with that.. circle thing." Thomas' face dropped once I said this.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" He immediately asked.

"What? No. I actually managed to beat him, but then he threw me over his shoulder and wouldn't put me down for 10 minutes.." I smiled. "All fun and games, I suppose."

"Oi! Shanks!" A voice yells. Me and Thomas both looked in the direction it came from. There was a tall, Asian boy in a light blue shirt jogging toward us. "Who's this, Thomas?" The boy asked, but before Thomas could reply, he turned to me. "You're that Greenie everyone is talking about. I'm Minoh, and you are?" Thomas shot him an annoyed look but stayed silent.

"I'm Y/n." I smiled up at Minoh. He smiled back. "What are you guys doing up so early?"

"Well, this shuckface here, and I are runners. We wake up early to run the maze since only us runners can go inside." I nodded once he'd explained it.

"Oh, sounds pretty fun. But of course, there's those -" I am cut off.

"Grievers." Yet another person has joined the conversation. I looked behind me and saw Gally. I looked back at Minoh and Thomas, giving them a joking, exaggerated, scared look. They try not to laugh. I stepped to the side to Gally could join the conversation, so we were now in a circle now.

"Gally..!" Minoh scolds. "She's only a Greenie." I shot him a disapproving glance, and he chuckled.

"Well, she was going to find out one way or another. Whether she'd be stupid enough to run in the maze without being a runner or she'd hear it from word of mouth." Gally said calmly. I suppose he did have a valid point.

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