•- Chapter 12 -•

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Neuvillette groggily wakes up from the very uncomfortable cold hard floor

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Neuvillette groggily wakes up from the very uncomfortable cold hard floor. 

He barely even gained consciousness yet, just too see Y/n snuggled next to him.  Without hesitation blood rushed to his face, he froze,  completely solid. He didn't know if he should move her. or just leave her be. Where the heck is he anyways? Oh yea that's right in a storage room! WHat will outsiders think when they find them here, overnight, hair messy, scrunched up clothing .... That's a rabbit hole Neuvillette didn't want to go down to, if Charlotte saw them coming out of this room..oof. 

After a few seconds his memories slowly starts pouring back to him, and the blushing just got worse. Recalling those moments felt like his ego fighting, one goes "See she like you back you should make it move, you should kiss her" While the other is saying "HOW could you think of her in her most vulnerable moments?! SHES asleep neuvillette!". 

Suddenly Y/n starts shifting around a bit, and she slowly blinks her eyes open, at that point she was no longer hauled on Neuvillette. I don't think Y/n even noticed that they were sleeping in such positions.

2nd Person POV

You wake up shivering from the sudden blow of coldness, the air was thin and it just didn't feel like your bedroom. Not to mention the cold floor, as the gears in your mind slowly activate again you finally understand the situation. 

Neuvillette was blushing profoundly next to you, why? Not going to lie not quite sure, it was really cold so it couldn't been the warmth. Nothing embarrassing happened? Well more so not that you know of. 

Silence. Dead Silence. It wasn't awkward, thank gosh. You decide to break the silence by speaking up about you're confusion.

"Why are you blushing?" Too blunt? ah well the question had to come up one way or another right?

The moment the words slipped out of you're mouth Neuvillette's eyes widen in surprise, then the waves of nervousness marched across his face.

"I-I oh ahem well you- I mean" He is clearly contemplating what to say at that moment. He was afraid you would judge him if he told you the truth, but wouldn't it be even worse if he didn't say anything at all or just made up a lame excuse? 

He takes a deep breathe, pushing up all his courage and slowly respond with, "Well I-i mean Y/n. I realized that we slept next to each other, or better words to put it ah eh together..."  Was that a good way to put it? he wasn't sure, he tries his very best to avoid looking straight into you're eyes.

"Oh! I-I I-i see m-makes sense makes sense" This time you were the one blushing, not that Neuvillette wasn't but you're face had a 360 degrees flip in terms of shades in the colour red.

"Ahem- we eh can just forget this never happened" You say awkwardly, both of you were still a bit dumfounded with the current situation. There was an absurd long pause after you suggested the idea, till Neuvillette finally spoke "yea..for sure, I mean with the set circumstances it was natural behaviour" 


FRICK. that wasn't needed! Now she would think I despise her, okay Neuvillette calm down, keep your emotions in check. 

She looked at me and to my astonishment she chuckled. 

"oh? alright whatever you say smarty pants" 

Long pause

You break the silence "so uhmm eh what now" 

"I would've told you if I knew" 


They then sat there, in silence, for how long? Yea no idea. Suddenly a thud came from outside, both Y/n and Neuvillette eyes brightened, as they were able to hear footsteps outside 

"Someone is coming!" Y/n says in excitement 

Then the footsteps gets further away. It seems that the person left

"Say that one again" Neuvillette replied discouraged, but then, the footsteps came back.

"wait hold up I feel stupid" y/n mutters before going to the door and screming "HELP WE ARE STUCK HERE AND THERE IS SPIDERS SAVE US PLEASE!!!!" 

Neuvillette mentally facepalmed at the act, if this news came out it would tarnish her reputation while dragging down his reputation with it.

The sounds of the lock of the door unlocking is heard interrupting Neuvillette's train of thought, bring the dragon back to his reality. The door is opened and a very confused looking Sigewinne peers in. 

"hello?" shes says 

"OH MY GOSH SHE'S SO cute" Y/n couldn't help but squeal, when she saw the little melusine peering from the door.

A sense of relief washes over Neuvillette seeing Sigewinne at the door

"I thank you for the compliment!, I am Sigewinne may I ask why you are doing here with Neuvillette?" Sigewinne politely asks 

"Long story short...." Y/n then gave a full explanation of what happened, somone send her to yapper ville 

"so thats how we are stuck here and you are my lord and saviour thank you for saving me, the bugs here are truly terrifying" Y/n finally finishes 

Neuvillette was silent the whole conversation just letting Y/n ramble about what happened, after Y/n decided to shut herself up, he took that long await silence to ask seigewinne a question

"Sigewinne I do have to ask why are you doing down here?" 

"Ah Wriothesley told me to retrieve some files for him, I had some time off and there wasn't many patients so I decided to help, and I am happy that I did because miss...?" 

"Y/n" Y/n says

"ah yes Miss Y/n wouldve been stuck here with the-"

"disgusting vile bugs" Y/n continued

"yes that" 

Word count: 1078


Its been eh 3 months heh- AHEM YEA look its I- 

summer am I right friends? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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