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Bella's POV:

As I began to set up my notebook under my laptop and grab a pen the girl next to me spoke up. Great, ugh okay you got this Bella, make a new friend!

"Hey, I'm Sofia by the way," She said with a friendly smile, she extended a welcoming hand and I took it in my grasp shaking it.

"Bella," I said softly "How are you?" I asked trying to remain in a welcoming mood and not retract into my hermit shell.

"I'm doing pretty alright, I can already tell this class is going to be hard on me..." She said with a groan "What about you?" She asked smiling again

"I'm doing pretty good, nothin special! This class is on my strong suits... I can help if you want?" I told her with a small smile.

"That would be amazing!!" Sofia said hugging me. It took me by surprise but I hugged her back. But she paused for a odd amount of time into the hug... Odd... "Bella, Bella Schiller?" She said pulling back looking me dead in the eyes, wait... SOFIA?!?!!? LIKE FROM ELEMENTARY??? "BELLLLLAAA!! It's ME!! Sofia La'Vera!!" She said hugging me again more excited.

Holy fuck!!

I hugged her back equally as excited. What are the chances!! Oh my god wait??? How the hell did she know?? The fuck?? My hugs are not that notable!?!?

"How did you-" I tried to ask pulling away from the hug still facing her. She cut me off of course too excited to wait.

"Your tattoo behind your ear, "STILES" in mirrored writing behind the name "CAIRO" spelled normally... I just put the dots together when I saw their names. I heard about Cairo's passing I'm sorry for your loss..." She said pointing to my left ear where I had a hidden tattoo.

"Right..." I said softly tucking my hair behind my ear. Cairo was my boyfriend but it's complicated. Like everything. "Thank you," I said with a soft smile.

"Anyways!! After classes wanna catch up, maybe go get some food?" She said with a soft smile. Hmmm, honestly that could be what I need right now.

"That sounds amazing!" I told her with a bright smile and perfect timing as the professor began the roll call and soon class.

The rest of my classes went smoothly I mostly kept to myself, but conveniently my first and last class on A days I had with Sofia! The last class went by like nothing and soon me and Sofia were walking through campus.

"So where do you wanna go?" She said trying to balance walking on a flower bed wall made of concrete. Well, the flower bed itself looked like a literal swamp or pig pen.

"Nowhere in particular... You've lived here for a while so why don't you lead the way!" I said turning to look at the wobbling girl.

"Wanna go to my family's restaurant? It has a Cafe/Bakery below and a restaurant above?" She said hopping off the planter wall.

I nodded before replying "Sounds good to me and if your family's food is as good as I remember I know I am in good hands!!" I told her giggling a bit at her tripping.

"UGH!! You try to balance on that small wall!!!" She said faking being annoyed, she was more just being playful. But the challenge fucking excepted.

I passed her my bag and pulled my skirt down a bit before doing a handstand walk down the entire stretch and doing a small flip-off. I giggled at her reaction, her jaw practically hit the floor.

"Still fucking acrobatic I see!!" She said playfully frustrated "Show off!" She said passing back my bag. We began to catch up about everything as we walked to the restaurant. It was quite a walk as it was at the heart of New York. Lovely, just had to be SO FAR. We luckily decided to take a cab for part of the way and soon enough we were there.

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