Getting ready

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Sofia's POV:

I went home to grab my dress before going back to Bella's dorm.

It was weird going there without her present.

I was carrying my dress in a coat bag and went up to knock on the door

Zuri answered.

"My date!" She said with a big smile.

I smiled back and did a twirl.

"Come innnnn" She said impatiently

I rolled my eyes playfully before going in with her.

The other girls seemed to be getting ready on their own so Zuri took me to her room.

It was pink like I expected.

She gestured for me to sit across from her right side on a gamer chair and I obliged.

The desks were laid out with tons of products, make-up, and objects.

"So uhm... this is an awkward question, is Bella dating anyone?" Zuri asked as she brushed out her hair.

I internally lost my shit laughing but tried to stay composed and take the situation seriously.

"Bella's single... You like her, don't you... Two isn't enough?" I joked as I grabbed a spare brush and began to do the same.

Zuri flushed a dark red, and her mouth came to a jar as she tried to come up with a logical answer.

"I'm not judging you or actively reporting back to Bella, chilllll," I told her eyes I let out a small giggle

"Okay, listen." Zuri said setting down her brushing and turning to face me in her gaming chair. She fixed herself so her legs were on her chair sideways and she crossed her arms in a pout.

"I'm listening," I replied with confidently

"Okay, so I know we have not known Bella for a long time or even know if she is gay straight bi, or whatever, or even into the whole poly scene but I can't help but like the girl, and well the past few days have not exactly been easy..." She told me letting her rant out.

I knew she was referencing to the woman on the Facetime earlier but I won't be the one to reveal her identity. But I will have fun with this. I kind of know Bella's sexuality, not the label but what she's into. Plus I know her reactions to the girls, so I guess I could do some harmless leading on.

"Alright listen... I know she semi-likes men as she had a boyfriend for a while, he passed away though during the relationship. I wouldn't ask Noah about it or about Bella's dating life. I know she is attracted to women, I don't know the extent it goes or her sexuality, but yes I know she has slept with girls. I also know you fluster her or well you guys." I told her hinting at my point, I knew I probably should of been more cryptic for Bella's sake but I hate how dumbfounded she is currently acting.

"So we have a chance?" Zuri asked fluttering her eyes. "That woman today wasn't her girlfriend?" She asked as she messed with the rings on her fingers.

"No, Bella is single. How many ways would you like me to tell you?" I said with a small laugh. "I would say you have a chance if you stop being so friendzone esk. Like I'm going to be 110% honest with you at this moment. Bella is a confident girl behind a camera or in the right setting but her true self is sensitive, emotional, broken, compassionate, caring, thoughtful, and uhm how do I put this lighting, she needs to be taken care of and enjoys to be loved and cared for but would never ask. Bella is a lot of things but you can't give her subtle hints, she's utterly oblivious. To her, she's being a homewrecker and is destroying your guy's relationship from the inside out. If you want any chance with her all three of you need to be more up front. Bella is naturally a flirt and sees people's good side, so being overly kind or caring or even caretaking her will not tell her how you feel. Be upfront but not too upfront you scare her." I explained to her before taking a breather. "You guys just need to be honest." I told her in summary.

"You are probably right, and honestly we have been oblivious to those details. We feared pushing it onto her and scaring her away or being to upfront with her and facing rejection. It's been us three for a while and I guess our game got a bit rusty..." She said with a small chuckle. "I just hope we don't act too late... Truly I think all three of us like her a lot..." She added on before sighing.

"Genuinely never too late to act on your feelings. Bella would appreciate it nonetheless. Trust your gut, or follow your heart, I don't know. Just don't procrastinate for too long or overthink her. She's a lot more open than you girls believe. My biggest piece of advice is to act before it's too late. Bella is known for swarming herself with distractions and illusions, if she fears liking someone is wrong she will go after someone else, someone who wants her openly. If you wait too long she won't be open altogether, as she hates heartbreak so she will fill that spot." I told her trying to explain that waiting will not help any of them get her.

"How do we even approach that with her? We live together! That would be totally awkward if it goes south!" Zuri said running her hands over her face.

"What if it goes north?" I asked referencing to what if it went the right way. "Why dwell on the negative when you could think of all the positives? What if she accepts and you get to be with her every day?" I asked her raising a brow

"That would be amazing and best case scenario..." Zuri said grabbing her brush again.

"MY GOD WOMAN! Why are you focusing on the bad?! That will get you nowhere!! If you want her go and get her! Stop focusing on the what-ifs where you don't get her. Start focusing on how you want to talk to her about it!" I said shaking my head and playfully rolling my eyes

"Alright alright, I get it!" She told me in submission. "How do I talk to her about it?" She asked with a guilty smile.

How many times am i going to have to answer the same question in another way?!



"Zuri." I told her sternly before sighing. "Be honest, be upfront, be compassionate, be yourselves, and just expect the unexpected and let fate take over. Bella is a lot of things but a liar is not one of them. She will be honest. So you be honest back." I told with wall narrowing my eyes at her.

gEt it through your thick SKULL woman.


"What do we say though?" She asked as oblivious as ever.

I wanna smack her I swear.

I was not built for this.

Even Bella would have put it together by now.

"Say your feelings, tell her how you guys feeling along with what you want," I told her bluntly.

"You better be right." She told me with a groan as she ran a hand over her face.

"I always am." I told her confidently

We spent the next hour doing our make-up and soon our hair.

A/N: I'm sorry for the late update again! I know this is basically a filler chapter and I hate those as a reader but I am currently struggling with writing this book. I really love this book, and I have plans to take it places but jeez the last few chapter's view counts when down rapidly so if anyone has some constructive criticism or something they would love to see please elt me know. 

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