Chapter 1

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Atsumu woke up early because he has classes today, he fix his bed before he went to the bathroom to take a shower. And after,he change, he wears his uniform then he went downstairs to eat breakfast but he saw his twin brother eating breakfast before him. Osamu smirk at him secretly, Atsumu want to hurt Osamu badly but he can't so he sighs before he smiles and greet Osamu;

"Good morning my twin brother, how's your sleep?" Atsumu ask in pretentious tone

"it's good?" Osamu answer confusedly

"That's good then *fake smiles* oh *remember something* by the way, after we finish eating, I'm not going to go to school together with you because I want to go somewhere else" Atsumu said

"Where is that? I can go with you " Osamu offer

"No! No one's going to tell Kita san why I'm late at the practice?" Atsumu said

"Okay? Do you want to company you to go wherever that is?" Osamu ask

"No I'm fine, Osamu, I'm just going to the book store to buy something interesting to read" Atsumu answer

"Okay whatever you say, Atsumu" Osamu said

They're finished eating and they kiss their mom before they leave their house but before that Atsumu hugs his mom so tight, it's he's going to say goodbye to her due Atsumu's acts right now. His mom confused why he's hugging her like that way?

"It's nothing, mom, I'm just happy to have an amazing mom like you, I love you, always remember that" Atsumu said

Atsumu runs towards the door, as he step out the door, he look back to see his mom without knowing that's the last time he could see her. He smiles sweetly at her before he close the door and leave with Osamu but he went to the bookstore to buy something to read

Little did he know Osamu follows him to the bookstore secretly and observe all of his moves. Osamu confused why his twin brother would go to the bookstore and buy something to read? He knew his twin brother doesn't like story books or novels at all so he's confused why? Atsumu was about to go to the cashier to pay when he noticed Osamu lurking outside of the bookstore, he sigh and went to the cashier and pay for the books that he bought. Then he went outside and look straight and avoiding to look at Osamu.

"What are you doing here, Osamu? I thought you're at school right now? Are you following me here?" Atsumu ask

"I'm suppose to be but I'm just worried about you and I'm confused why did you go to the bookstore and buy books if you don't like to read novels, right?" Osamu replied

"Osamu, you're not suppose to following me here and I appreciated your concern but there's nothing to worried about" Atsumu said

"I bought these books because someone recommended these so here I am buying these. They said it was so good and amazing" Atsumu added

"Then why did you tell me to go to school first?" Osamu ask

"I told you that you're going to tell Kita san I'll be late little bit, right?" Atsumu replied

"But I can go with you, it's not big deal for me" Osamu said

"Yeah yeah, come on let's go, we'll be late" Atsumu said

They start walking towards their school when some truck wobbling, uncontrollable and it coming towards them. Atsumu saw it and push Osamu away immediately, he avoid the truck in style but there's something happening, the book light up and suck Atsumu in. Osamu saw everything so does the people who passing by? Osamu immediately went to the book but the light is faded and sealed. He tried to open it but it won't open, someone called 911 for help and then the police so as the ambulance. Osamu was so shocked, he can't talk, the police questioning him, he did answer every questions, the police didn't believe him at first but there's a lot of witnesses to prove he's telling the truth. Osamu give the wrong book to the police to investigate it. He hid the right book in his bag immediately before the police came, the police called his mom to pick him up and take him home. After few minutes, his mom came and immediately went to him and check on him if he's fine or not? And ask him where's Atsumu? The police told her everything what happened? She look at Osamu who still can't talk and in shocked? She hugs him so tight to make sure that he's going to be alright. His mom ask him to go home with her but Osamu insists that he's still going to school and he's fine. His mom is worried about him right now, she said that she can take him to school at least, to be sure that he's fine.

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