Chapter 4

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In the mortal world

Just like Suna promise to Osamu, he brought the book of his great grandma to help Osamu with his little research. Osamu kiss Suna in the lips as a sign of grateful and say " I love you so much" to Suna. Suna just smile at him before Suna helping him with his little research about the book to bring Atsumu back home as soon as possible. Osamu is still in depression.

"Osamu, stop doing that to yourself, you need rest please I'm begging you" Suna begging Osamu to rest for a while

"But I need to get Atsumu back home, it's my fault why he's in the book right now" Osamu blaming himself

"*sigh* Osamu, don't blame yourself, I'm sure Atsumu would be mad if you're blaming yourself for what happened to him?" Suna said

"Yeah but I have to do this, please just help me" Osamu said

"*sigh* Okay fine, this is the only way to make you happy, then I'll help" Suna said

"Thank you Sunarin, I appreciated it" Osamu said

"Yeah you should" Suna said in his annoyed tone

In the Humanoid world

Atsumu and Atsuki are finish taking a bath when Sakusa walk in and saw Atsumu half naked and his hair is so fluffier when it's dry. Sakusa look away immediately and he clear his throat before he spoke to Atsumu. Atsuki saw them blushing so hard, he's just giggled cutely before he walk to the bed and wait there for Atsumu to put some clothes on him.

"Uhm. I just wanna ask if there's anything you want? I'll buy it for you" Sakusa said as he blushing while looking away

"Dada and Momma are flirting" Atsuki giggles

"We're not flirting, baby, we're just taking" Atsumu explains

"Anyways, yes there is but I wanna go to the market to buy it by myself" Atsumu added

"Okay I'll go with you" Sakusa said

"Oh okay" Atsumu said

Sakusa hurried went outside to guard and he's flustered when he saw Atsumu like that, Atsumu hurried went to Atsuki and put on Atsuki then he put kimono on him too and after that theuly went outside together while Sakusa is waiting for them to come out. As Sakusa turn around, he saw Atsumu in kimono, he just look at Atsumu up and down so many times before Atsumu spoke

"What? *raise his eyebrow*  Is this ugly? I can go back inside and change" Atsumu said

"No! it's beautiful, I'm just mesmerize, that's all" Sakusa replied while looking at Atsumu

"Okay" Atsumu said

"It suits you perfectly and you look beautiful like a flower right now" Sakusa awkwardly said that as he blushing and looking at Atsumu

"*giggles* thank you, Sakusa" Atsumu said

"You're welcome, let's go?" Sakusa ask

"Are you guys flirting each other again?" Atsuki ask innocently

"no we weren't" Atsumu replied

"Okay" Atsuki said

They went to the market to buy something, Atsumu carry Atsuki while Sakusa walking behind them to protect them and guard them.

"Uhm, miss? How's much is this?" Atsumu ask as he pointing at the potatoes

"3 gold coins for 5 potatoes" the vendor replied

"Oh okay, here" Atsumu said as he give the 3 coins

The vendor give one plastic bag full of potatoes to Atsumu. Atsumu was about to receive it, Sakusa step in and receive the bag.

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