Chapter 7

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Outside of the cabin

Sakusa is waiting for Atsumu to come out of the cabin, he's crossing his arms while waiting for Atsumu. After few minutes, Atsumu come out with a blanket on him because it's cold outside during the night. Atsumu clear his throat that made Sakusa turn around and saw Atsumu standing behind him while hugging himself because of the cold. Sakusa sighs before he spoke

"You should bring 2 blankets with you before you go outside, Atsumu" Sakusa said in his cold tone

"You're still shivering" Sakusa scolding Atsumu

"I didn't know that it's so cold outside here today" Atsumu is uncomfortable

"But by the way, what are we talking about? You looked serious earlier" Atsumu added

"Oh.. We're talking about what happened earlier? I'm sorry I got mad at you when we got arrived here" Sakusa apologize

"But why tho?" Atsumu ask confusedly

"I'm blaming you to what happened? But I realize it was my fault to agree with your ideas earlier so I'm so sorry" Sakusa explains

"Don't worry about it Sakusa, I'm sorry too because we got into trouble earlier" Atsumu apologize

"Don't mention it too Atsumu" Sakusa said

"Are you really okay? You're scared earlier" Sakusa ask

"Yes I'm scared earlier but I'm fine" Atsumu replied

"Are you sure?" Sakusa is concern

"Yes I'm sure that I'm fine, Sakusa" Atsumu assures Sakusa

"Okay" Sakusa said

Sakusa noticed Atsumu is still shivering because of the cold air, Sakusa sighs before he went to Atsumu's behind and he back hug Atsumu that made Atsumu surprised, Sakusa has fur to cover Atsumu's body so Atsumu isn't shivering anymore now. Atsumu was about to turn around to face Sakusa but Sakusa stop him in time, Atsumu is just so confused why is Sakusa hugging him and why is Sakusa being nice to him right now? But he let it go because he's shivering due the cold weather that night. Atsumu smile.

"Don't move Atsumu,I'm not doing this next time" Sakusa said

"So just enjoy it while you can" Sakusa added

"Oh okay " Atsumu said

After few minutes, Atsumu is uncomfortable with their positions so he ask Sakusa if can they go inside because it's so cold outside? Sakusa agree, they both went inside Atsumu went to Atsuki to check on him. Atsumu sighs a relieved because Atsuki is still sleeping like a baby. Atsumu slowly lay on the bed beside Atsuki, hug Atsuki and Atsuki turn around and hug Atsumu tight. Atsuki woke up and then he look at Atsumu with his little puppy eyes, that's Atsumu's weakness. He's such a wimp when it comes to Atsuki.

"Momma? Can Dada come join us here? Please" Atsuki ask as he use his puppy eyes

"uhm,let's ask him" Atsuki can't say no to Atsuki

Atsuki gets up from the bed to ask Sakusa if he could join him and Atsumu sleeping in one bed? Sakusa was about to say "no" but he look at Atsumu mouthing "just say yes!" so many times. Atsumu don't want to break Atsuki's little heart just like that.

"Okay baby" Sakusa can't resist Atsuki's cuteness and Atsumu told him

Sakusa carry Atsuki and walk towards the bed and Atsumu. Sakusa put Atsuki on the left side of Atsumu so that Atsuki didn't fall because there's a wall to protecting him from falling? Atsumu move so that Sakusa can lay down beside him. As Sakusa lays down beside him, his heart skip a beat fast, faster than lightning that's why he's blushing and uncomfortable? Sakusa notice it.

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