chapter 3

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Osamu didn't stop gathering informations to bring his twin brother back home and destroy the book permanently because he don't just want anyone to experienced what he's been through right now. Osamu grab the book and he speak to it angrily;

"Bring my twin brother back this instant! Why did you take him away?! Yes we didn't get along but I don't want to disappeared" he yelled angrily and he cried

Osamu is crying as he hug the book while calling Atsumu's name so many times until he falls asleep. Kita and others went home before that happens. Kita felt sympathy for Osamu because he knew what Osamu feels? And he experienced it long time ago.

In Humanoid world

Atsumu ask Sakusa if Sakusa know the way how did he go back to his own world? Sakusa replied he don't know either. Atsumu didn't give up because he know that he will go back to his world, to his family, to his friends and to his twin brother. He won't lose hope that he'll see and to be with them again. He's hoping that he won't staying here for a very long time and getting old alone. Sakusa feel Atsumu's loneliness, that's the one of his powers, he can feel what other's feelings? Sakusa really tried his best to comfort Atsumu. Atsuki hug Atsumu so tight and it made Atsumu feel better little bit. Atsumu caressing Atsuki's hair gently.

"Thank you Atsuki for making momma feel better" Atsumu smiles

Atsuki smiles when Atsuki's body light up and lift up in the air. Atsumu and Sakusa were shocked but Atsumu is bit worried about Atsuki, a few minutes, Atsuki slowly descended and Atsumu catch him in time, the light faded and they saw Atsuki's new form.

"What in the world just happened? What happened to Atsuki just now?" Atsumu ask, he's panic and shocked

"Well... That happen when he reach 1 year old, he's just evolved, everyone does that a lot too, even me but in Atsuki's case, he can't evolve because he's still 6 months old. I've never seen a baby fox Humanoid evolve at early age" Sakusa replied

"Really? Maybe Atsuki has super powerful genes of fox Humanoid" Atsumu said

"Maybe you're right, Atsumu sama" Sakusa agreed

"Atsumu sama? *confused* Don't call me that, just call me Atsumu or Tsumu" Atsumu said

"But Atsumu sama, you're my~"

"Oops, I said don't call me that and no more buts, okay?" Atsumu cut Sakusa's words

"Okay" Sakusa said

Atsuki look at them back and forth, he giggles cutely but in silent before he spoke fluently. That made Sakusa and Atsumu shocked even more. They both looking at Atsuki who's giggling cutely at them?

"Dada and Momma are flirting each other" Atsuki said as he giggling cutely

"We're not flirting, Atsuki, we're just talking" Sakusa defend himself

"Wait a minute, Atsuki? Did you imprint Sakusa as your dad?" Atsumu was so shocked and he didn't believe it

Atsuki nodded cutely and giggling, Atsuki point at Sakusa and calls Sakusa:

"Dada" Atsumu said as he smiles

"I'm not your dad okay? I'm just your bodyguard" Sakusa said

"nngh"- Atsuki

Atsuki's tears are starting to falling and then he cried, Atsumu is panic, Atsumu punch Sakusa's arm gently and glare at him.

"Just take your words back to make him stop crying, hurry! Now!" Atsumu said

Atsuki raise his little arms to make Sakusa carry him, Sakusa did carry him and Sakusa wipe his tears. Atsuki hugs Sakusa

"Don't cry, dada is just joking, I'm so sorry" Sakusa apologize

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