Chapter 10- Atsumu's going home

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Atsumu is taking care of Atsuki when Sakusa appeared out of nowhere with someone or some Humanoid look like a Kyuubi (Lev). Atsumu is confused why is Sakusa with the kyuubi right now? He don't know what's going on? So he ask Sakusa about it.

"Sakusa? What's going on? Why are you with the kyuubi right now? Is there something wrong?" Atsumu is concerned but confused

"Atsumu, we need to talk about your wish" Sakusa made serious face

"My wish? Really?" Atsumu is excited

"But someone need to watch over Atsuki while we're talking outside" Atsumu added

"Don't worry Atsumu, Hitoka will watch over Atsuki for a while" Sakusa assures Atsumu that no one take Atsuki away

"Are you sure about it?" Atsumu ask

"Yes! I'm sure" Sakusa replied confidently

"Okay" Atsumu said

Yachi came in as Sakusa, Lev and Atsumu walk out of the cabin to talk about something that involves Atsumu's wish. Atsuki is so he went to Yachi and ask her about it.

"Uhmm? Hitoka neesan? Why are they going out to talk? Why not here inside?" Atsuki ask confusedly

"Well Atsuki.. It's an adult conversations so you don't have to know about it" Yachi tried to explain

"Oh okay" Atsuki said

At the Outside

"So what are we going to talk about, Sakusa? I need to go back inside to take care of Atsuki" Atsumu ask but he want to be inside

"Well.. Atsumu, you can go back to your own world and have your normal life back" Sakusa replied

"Is that exciting?" Sakusa ask

"Oh? Yeah I'm excited" Atsumu replied in his disappointed tone

"Why? What's wrong? Is that what you really want in the first place, right?" Sakusa ask

"Yeah but I'm gonna miss Atsuki so much" Atsumu replied

"Don't worry about Atsuki anymore Atsumu, I'll take care of Atsuki from the moment that you leave this world" Sakusa make a promise with Atsumu

"Thank you Sakusa for everything that you've done for me" Atsumu said in gratitude tone

Atsumu step forward and hug Sakusa too tight before he let Sakusa go and kiss Sakusa in the cheek but smack only.

"Woah! That's what we called 'love'" Lev teasing

"Shut it!" Sakusa yelled

"Ohh I'm so scared" Lev is acting like he's scared

Lev giggling as Sakusa's face turn dark red, Sakusa run after Lev because Lev run when he saw Sakusa was about to pull his sword out. Atsumu is just stood there and laugh at Sakusa and Lev who's running around like a little kids playing tag on the street.

"You guys! Stop it! You might injure yourselves!" Atsumu put his hands in front of him and shout

"Come inside, it's foggy out here, I'll make you guys some nice tea" Atsumu added

Sakusa was the one who take care of Atsuki for a while because Yachi have to go back to her home fast. And a few minutes, Atsumu came back with a tray of cups of tea on his hands. Sakusa hurried stand up and help Atsumu with that tray. Lev trying not to smirk but he can't stop it anymore and he smirking before he teasing Sakusa and Atsumu.

"You two should kiss already, don't take it too long okay?" Lev tease

"Lev! There's a child here, you dumb kyuubi! And besides we're not in a relationship" Sakusa clarify their situation

Lev look at Atsuki after Sakusa point at Atsuki, Lev feel little embarrassed but he don't want them to noticed it.

"Oops! Sorry I didn't mean to" Lev apologized

"It's okay but you need to be careful next time, you don't know if there's a children or not?" Atsumu forgive Lev

"I'm so sorry again" Lev apologized again

"No worries about it Lev, anyways let's drink before it gets cold" Atsumu said

"Momma! I want milkie milk" Atsuki ask for his milkie milk

"But baby, I don't have your milkie milk" Atsumu replied

"Yes Momma! You have! Look" Atsuki said as he point at Atsumu's chest

"Baby, I'm not a girl okay? I'm a boy" Atsumu said

Sakusa and Atsumu panic when they saw Atsuki was about to burst into tears so Sakusa quickly grab the baby bottle and put it on Atsuki's mouth so Atsuki didn't cry. They both let a sigh of relief when they saw Atsuki sucking his baby bottle.

"Nice save Sakusa, thank you, I don't know what to do when Atsuki cries" Atsumu said

"No problem Atsumu, it's my responsible as his guardian to look after him" Sakusa said

"Don't you dare to flirt in front of me and my single ass" Lev is bitter

"You're just bitter because no one likes you Lev, I know someone loves to be your lover" Sakusa winks

"Don't tell me that you're going to planning to set a blind date for me" Lev is surprised

"That's right Lev" Sakusa replied

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