Chapter 11

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Today's the day that Atsumu will come back to his world and he leave Sakusa and Atsuki behind but he don't want to leave them without saying goodbye to them properly especially to Atsuki. Of course in those 5 months, he's treating Atsuki as his own child. Sakusa and Atsumu are talking outside while Atsuki is with Yachi. They both peeking at the door to see Atsuki playing with Yachi happily. Atsumu is very nervous because he know Atsuki can't take it very well when he told Atsuki that he will leave today.

"What should I do now, Sakusa?" Atsumu whispers

"You should tell him the truth, Atsumu, if he found out the truth in the future, do you think that he will forgive you hmm?" Sakusa replied as he raise his eyebrow

"No but I hope he'll understands" Atsumu is nervous

They both went inside the cabin, Atsumu went to Atsuki to saying goodbye before he leave and come back to his own world.

"Atsuki? Baby? Momma wants to talk to you right now" Atsumu said in his sweet tone

"What is it momma?" Atsuki ask curiously

"Momma is going to somewhere aaannd he don't know when did he come back" Atsumu replied as he fidgeting his fingers

"Wait what?! I don't want you to go! Please don't leave me! Please take me with you Momma!" Atsuki said as he's crying

"Please! Momma! Take me with you! I promise I'll be a good boy" Atsuki is begging

Atsumu feel guilty inside him and he wants to cry but he have to be strong because he want Atsuki to see him cry. He just hug Atsuki to ease the sorrows that Atsuki felt right now but Atsuki is still crying and he's not letting Atsumu go. Sakusa felt pity for Atsuki because he knows what Atsuki feel? Atsumu look at him as if he's asking for help. Sakusa sighs before he walk to Atsumu and Atsuki to split them both up. Sakusa carry Atsuki as Atsuki crying in his arms. Sakusa caress Atsuki's back to calm down little bit but Atsuki is still crying and calling his Momma's name so many times. Sakusa tried to calm him down by talking sweetly.

"Baby? Momma needs to go back to his home, his family misses him already and he's not from this world" Sakusa said

"But dada, we're his family too! Can Momma stay here with us forever?" Atsuki is still begging

"I'm sorry baby but I don't have the rights to stop him from leaving?" Sakusa said

"Don't worry baby, dada is still here for you, I won't leave you, I promise" Sakusa added

"Really? You're not leaving me, right? Promise me you won't leave me" Atsuki use his puppy eyes

"Yes! I promise" Sakusa replied

"But first you have to say goodbye and apologize to him too okay?" Sakusa added

" Okay" Atsuki said

Atsuki turn his head to Atsumu who's looking at him sadly but sweetly? Atsuki just hug Sakusa tight and hide his face. Sakusa just chuckles before he look over him and talk to to him sweetly.

"Hey baby? Don't be shy okay? He's your Momma" Sakusa said in his sweet tone

"Momma? I'm sorry for being bad boy and for not being considerate, please forgive me" Atsuki apologize

"I just don't want you to go but if you're happy that you're going back to your own world? Then I'll let you go" Atsuki added as he crying

"Oh baby, come here" Atsumu feel pitiness towards Atsuki

Atsumu stand up to take Atsuki from Sakusa's arms, he carry Atsuki before he sit down again and talk to Atsuki sincerely.

"Yes I'm going back to my own world but it doesn't mean that I'm going to forget you and your dada okay? I always remember you" Atsumu said that in his gentle voice

"You know why?"  Atsumu ask

Atsumu fix Atsuki's sitting figures to look at Atsuki in the eyes sincerely but there's still sadness in Atsumu's eyes.

"You're my baby boy and I love you so that's why I won't forget you and your dada?" Atsumu assures Atsuki that he won't forget about them

Sakusa interrupt the mother and son's moment because Lev can't hold the portal any longer now but Lev tried to hold it just for Atsumu. Sakusa take Atsuki from him and Atsumu went outside to meets Lev who's trying to hold the portal for him.

"My job here is done, this world is now safe and peaceful" Atsumu feel sadness inside

"Yeah but we don't know how long?" Lev said in his emotionless tone

"But for now, you have to back to your world now! And as in now! I can't hold it much longer! Hurry Atsumu sama!" Lev added as if he's impatient

"Oh?! Yeah sorry but hold it for 30 seconds please" Atsumu ask for a favor

"Huh?!" Lev is shocked

Lev have no choice but to hold it when Atsumu runs towards Sakusa and Atsuki before he hug them both for the last time.

"I love you both! I'll always remember you guys" Atsumu's last words

Atsumu take his necklace off and put it on Atsuki's neck before he kiss Atsuki's forehead and then he kiss Sakusa in the cheek before he turn around and run towards the portal but before he went inside the portal, he turn around little bit to see Sakusa and Atsuki one last time then he smiles at them gently. He went inside the portal with a tears on his eyes. The portal closed already, Sakusa is struggle to hold Atsuki tight because Atsuki tried to break free from Sakusa's hugs and wants to follow his Momma but it's too late now because at this moment, Atsumu is now in his world and he's with his twin brother at their own home.

"Momma! Momma! Momma! Momma!" Atsuki shout Atsumu's name while crying

"Ssshh ssshh Atsuki baby? I know it's hard for you to accept the truth but we have to accept it"  Sakusa tried his best to comfort Atsuki

"Dada's still here, I made a promise to you, right? That.. I won't leave you ever?" Sakusa added

"But dada, I lose momma, I lose momma!" Atsuki shouted

"No baby, you don't lose momma okay? He's still here
-He's still.. Here *Sakusa point Atsuki's chest where's the heart located
-Not physical but we still feel his love for us, right?
-And he left a necklace to remind you of him always" Sakusa added

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