Chapter 6

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After Oikawa said that to them, they immediately leave the village because they don't want to get into trouble again.


Some wolf Humanoid carried Iwaizumi towards his cabin then they put him in bed to give him a good rest after the fight between him and Oikawa. After few minutes Iwaizumi wake up and immediately get up because he remembers everything what happened earlier? Iwaizumi groaning and growling out of embarasment and frustrations, he's embarrassed because he lost and he's groaning because he couldn't believe that Oikawa use his weakness as an Alpha against him earlier. And now he want to get revenge on Oikawa but there's a part of him that he wants Oikawa to be his omega. But the problem is Oikawa isn't an omega. Oikawa is the Alpha too like him and Oikawa is their acting leader because Oikawa's uncle is their leader after his parents died. His uncle adopted him few days after his parents died, his uncle trained him to be a leader soon, as Oikawa grow up, he wants to save so many innocent children whether humans or Humanoids, he trained them to be hunters and fighters, just like him. Iwaizumi went out of his cabin shameful, some wolf Humanoids starting to gossiping as Iwaizumi went out of his cabin.

"The sleeping beauty is awake" Oikawa is just teasing Iwaizumi

"Oh shut up Oikawa, I'm not in the mood right now" Iwaizumi is annoyed because Oikawa teasing him

"Oh? You're not in the mood? Why? Oh I know, because you lose?" Oikawa is messing with Iwaizumi

"I said shut up!" Iwaizumi yell

"Why? You're mad already?" Oikawa ask as he smirk

Iwaizumi approach Oikawa angrily, he hold Oikawa's chin aggressively and look at Oikawa's eyes deeply like he's in love.

"I told you to shut up or else I'll fuck you rough" Iwaizumi said aggressively

"Let me go! I'm not an omega okay? I'm also an Alpha!" Oikawa yelled

Oikawa yank Iwaizumi's hand and push Iwaizumi away before Oikawa step aside. Iwaizumi glaring at Oikawa aggressively. The children that Oikawa saved came in and hug Oikawa so tight. Oikawa shocked when the children hug him very tight but he smiles and hug them all before he spoke sweetly to them.

"Hey kids, how's your hunting?" Oikawa ask

"It's so awesome, mr. Tooru but there's a little problem" the random guy said

"What is it? I can help" Oikawa ask

"Actually someone bully me earlier because my adopted father is a dog" the little girl replied

"I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf Humanoid " Oikawa said

"And if there's someone bullying you guys, just ignore them as much as you can, yes you can fight back but you need to control your anger all the time
-Violence isn't the answer to stop the bullying. Just let them as long as they didn't hurt you
-Yes, my appearance had a lot of differences from the human father but the love, the care and the protection that I gave you aren't different from what the human father gave to his children?" Oikawa added

"Yeah that's what we're thanking you for? If it weren't for you, mister Tooru, we're dead now" the random guy said

Iwaizumi just look at them cuddling and talking about their lives and stuffs to Oikawa. Oikawa just listen to them talking Oikawa felt Iwaizumi's hot stares so he turn his head to Iwaizumi and he raise his eyebrow like he's not bothered before he ask Iwaizumi:

"What are you looking at?" Oikawa ask in his annoyed tone

"You're good with the kids, huh?" Iwaizumi mocking Oikawa

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