Chapter 5

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In The Mortal World

Suna and Osamu are sleeping due the exhaustion after they searching and gathering the informations to bring Atsumu back in the mortal world or their own world. Osamu misses Atsumu a lot, they both are unseperable but sometimes they have own references in life, whatever decisions they make, they're twins, they love each other and they got each other backs in good times or bad.

In the Humanoid World

The Humanoid Kita came to the cabin of Atsumu to checking on them. He caught Sakusa guarding the cabin, he approach Sakusa then he spoke to Sakusa, man to man conversations.

"Kiyoomi? How's Atsumu and Atsuki here at the cabin?" Kita confusedly ask

"They're fine, Shinsuke san, I did my best to protect them both, don't worry a thing" Sakusa confidently replied

"That's good, then" Kita said

"But there's some humans and Humanoids want to abduct Atsumu these few days, I don't know why?" Sakusa said

"Don't worry about it Kiyoomi, let me and other leaders will take care of it" Kita said

"Okay if you insists" Sakusa said

"Humans are cruel towards us Humanoids because we're more than them, they used us as transportations, slaves, and living toys." Kita is done with humans shits

"We can fight back and make them pay for what they did to us" Sakusa said

"Yes but we don't have to do that, Kiyoomi, once they're attack our territories, that's when we're fighting back and kill them" Kita said

"Okay, but why are you here? I thought you're in the ice mountains right now to give humans a ride or carry their stuffs?" Sakusa ask

"Yeah but they can't go because there's a storm at the ice mountains" Kita replied

"Okay, do you want to talk to Atsumu?" Sakusa ask again

"No I'm just checking on you guys" Kita replied

"Okay" Sakusa said

Atsumu went out of the cabin with Atsuki, he saw Kita talking to Sakusa. He's so shocked why is Kita here right now?

"Shinsuke san? Why are you here?"Atsumu ask

"I'm just checking on you guys that's all, I'll get going" Kita replied

"Oh okay bye" Atsumu said

"Bye" Kita said

Kita turn around and walk away, Atsumu looking at Sakusa confusedly, Sakusa looking at Atsumu too, blankly and emotionless.

"What?" Sakusa ask as he raise his eyebrow

"What are you and Shinsuke san talking about?" Atsumu ask confusedly

"It's nothing, Atsumu, I'm just reporting everything what happened? That's all" Sakusa replied in his annoyed tone

"Are you sure about that, huh Kiyoomi Sakusa? " Atsumu is not convinced

"Yes I'm sure, that's my job" Sakusa assures Atsumu

"Okay, Atsuki and I wants to explore the woods and meet the other Humanoids like you and Atsuki" Atsumu said

"Okay I'll just put my mask on, real quick" Sakusa said

" Atsumu said

Sakusa put his mask on before they lock the door and leave the cabin. They went to the fox village first to explore.Everyone are kneeling down as they saw Atsumu walk passing by, Atsumu is confused why is everyone kneeling down as he walking.

I got stuck in the Humanoid world Where stories live. Discover now