Chapter 9

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A few days later

Atsumu and Sakusa still feel awkward towards each other but they have to take care of Atsuki full-time even though Sakusa keep his distance from Atsumu sometimes so does Atsumu. Atsuki noticed it immediately so he ask them both why did they avoiding each other?

"Momma? Dada? Why are you guys avoiding each other since Hitoka neesan came?" Atsuki ask confusedly

"No no no baby, we're not avoiding each other, we're busy with taking care of you everyday so that's why?" Atsumu denied it

"Really? I thought you're fighting?" Atsuki ask again

"No we're not, we're just busy" Sakusa replied

Atsumu pats Atsuki's head gently and caressing it. Sakusa went to Atsumu's behind then he pull Atsumu towards him that made Atsumu lean in Sakusa's chest. Atsumu is shocked but he smile when Atsuki hug him and Sakusa happily and giggling.

"I love you both" Sakusa said it in his serious and sincere tone

That's not lie, Sakusa really loves Atsumu but he don't want Atsumu to know about it. Atsumu was so shocked when he heard it.


A few days later, Osamu was about to give up but he need to continue his research until he found a clue to bring Atsumu back.

"Just wait longer Atsumu, I'll bring you back, I promise you" Osamu said as he made a determine face

"I don't know how but I'll bring you back home no matter what even though if it costs my own life" Osamu added

Osamu is typing something on his computer, he's so determined to bring his twin brother back home as soon as possible because he miss Atsumu so much. Suna knock the door before he come in Osamu's room and he just want to checking on Osamu to make sure.

"How's your research, Samu?" Suna ask

"I'm getting close to bring Atsumu back home Sunarin, I had to go more deeper on my research" Osamu replied but he didn't take his eyes off from the computer

"Samu, let's eat first" Suna said in his lazy tone

"Okay" Osamu replied

Osamu save the files first before he turn his computer off and stand up then he went to his bed and eat snacks with Suna, his boyfriend. Suna is still worried about Osamu but he had to support and help Osamu with everything right now and he want to bring Atsumu back too because Atsumu is not just his friend or his teammate, Atsumu also is his future brother in-law.

"You know, Samu? It's faster to bring Atsumu back if I help you with your research" Suna offer help

"Really? That's huge help, Sunarin thank you! But are you sure about?" Osamu ask but he hesitate

"I'm sure of it, Samu, I want to bring Atsumu too, you know" Suna replied confidently but he's annoyed

"Thank you Suna" Osamu smiles

Osamu hug Suna so tight that made Suna choke a little, Suna tap Osamu's arms so many times to give Osamu a sign to let go of him immediately. Osamu immediately let him go and laugh awkwardly before he spoke softly to Suna.

" sorry" Osamu apologize

"It's okay Samu" Suna said

"Anyways Oikawa san, Kenma and Suga san are targeting me after our practice game because you're my boyfriend" Suna added in his annoyed

"Sorry Sunarin, I got you involved into my mess" Osamu apologized

"Don't worry about it Samu, the important thing is we have to bring Atsumu back as soon as possible, I'll help you" Suna added

"Thank you for everything Sunarin" Osamu thanking Suna again

"I said don't worry about it okay? I want to my victim back too" Suna said jokingly

"Oh? You have no one to prank, don't you?"  Osamu ask in emotionless

"Yup! Atsumu is the most easiest target to prank on, you know" Suna replied proudly

"That's your concern? Suna?! We don't know what world is Atsumu in? What if there's a lot of monsters or he's in danger?" Osamu said in panic mode

"Relax Samu, I just want to light up the mood, you look so serious" Suna said

"Sorry Sunarin, I'm so depressed right now, I miss Atsumu so much, I can't imagine that we're going to sepearate at this long time" Osamu apologized again

"Don't worry Samu, Atsumu will come back as long as you won't give up and I'll help" Suna said

Suna stand up and went to Osamu's front to hug Osamu and caressing his back gently to calm him down. Suna is sad because Osamu is crying and tired. Suna wish that Atsumu will come back home so that Osamu will be happy again, he don't want his boyfriend to be sad anymore.

After few minutes

Osamu falls asleep in his bed while Suna is the one who pursued the research for Osamu? He don't want Osamu to continue his own research so Suna help him with that because Suna really loves Osamu. Suna found a lot of clues but that's not enough so he tried to digging some informations until he found the way to bring Atsumu back. He stop for a while and he turn around before he spoke

"I'll write it down so that you won't struggle to write it all down tomorrow" Suna whispers

"Atsumu? Wherever you are right now? You have to do everything you can to go back home because your twin here did everything he can to bring you back home" Suna added

Suna turn his head back to the computer and write everything on the papers before he stand up and went to Osamu who's sleeping?

"I love you Samu" Suna whispers

I'll get going home now" Osamu said

Suna kiss Osamu's forehead and smiles before he tuck Osamu in the blanket and leave the room. Suna went home because It's late.

Back To The Humanoid World

Sakusa and Atsumu are still cuddling with Atsuki but Atsumu think about going home to his world so he ask Sakusa to go outside with him for a while. They need to make Atsuki sleep first before they go outside to talk and after few minutes Atsuki is now asleep so they went outside to talk about something Atsumu really want to do in the first place.

"Sakusa? If I go back to my world, can you take care of Atsuki for me please? I don't want to leave him knowing that no one take care of him" Atsumu is worried about Atsuki after he's going back to his own world

"But Atsumu~" Sakusa didn't finish his sentence

"You have to promise me that you're taking care of Atsuki" Atsumu makes a serious but crying face

"Okay I'll take care of Atsuki don't worry" Sakusa made a promise

"Thank you Sakusa, now I can go back to my world knowing someone will take care of Atsuki after I left" Atsumu feel relieved

"But Atsumu, Atsuki will asking me where are you? I can't just lied to him especially when he's bond with you already" Sakusa is worried that Atsuki will panic after Atsumu left

"Just tell him that I'm dead, we both know I can't go back here anymore" Atsumu replied

"Yeah I know but I'm gonna miss you if you're going back home " Sakusa said

"me too Sakusa" Atsumu said

Sakusa didn't say any words, he just went to Atsumu and hug Atsumu tight. Atsumu is shocked when Sakusa did that.

"Sakusa? What are you doing?" Atsumu ask

"Ssshh let me do this okay? I can't do this when you're back to your world" Sakusa replied

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