Chapter 13

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A few later, Atsumu was trying his best to catch up to everything that he missed but there's some new students bullied him every time they saw him. Osamu saw everything and he wanted to hurt those students but Atsumu stopped him. Atsumu told him that Osamu should ignored those new students. Atsumu was in the gym practicing his serves when Osamu came in to practice too, Atsumu notice him. Atsumu was holding the ball before he turn around and smile at Osamu and spoke to Osamu.

"Oh hey Samu, you wanna practice some serves with me? I wanna try those serves that I've learned while I'm in another world" Atsumu offer to Osamu

"New serves? Tell me about it" Osamu is so curious about it

Atsumu told Osamu everything about the new serves that he learned before he demonstrate it all to Osamu. Osamu seems got it and they're starting to do it in practice until the team in without the previous 3rd years because they're graduated already. Atsumu is now the Captain while Osamu is the vice Captain of the team. The team were shocked when they saw the twins practice intensely and serious because the twins didn't noticed their teammates came in and watch them practice. Suna is surprised when he saw his boyfriend and future brother in law practice some styles of serves, settings and receive dives like that before. Osamu stop and noticed them watching while their mouths wide open to the floor, Osamu gave a sign to Atsumu that their teammates are already arrived and they're standing there like a statues for a whole 35 minutes. Atsumu approach Osamu while holding a ball and greet everyone with a smile and spoke to them warmly.

"Hey guys? *smile* When did ya come? *curious*  Uhm? Are ya guys okay? *concern* Ya guys are literally seeing a ghost based on yer reactions right now? What happened to y'all?" Atsumu ask

"Hey guys? When did ya come? Uhm? Atsumu is confused. Are ya guys okay? Atsumu is concerned. Ya guys are literally seeing a ghost based on yer reactions right now? What happened to y'all?
Atsumu smile genuinely and sweetly

"Yeah, you guys look so pale right now? It's just Atsumu teaching me some styles, don't be shocked"Osamu agree with Atsumu

"What just happened?! That's not sets of Atsumu to Osamu, that's sets of a monster to another monster" Suna yell with shock expression

"Wow Sunarin, you're hurting my feelings and Osamu's too! That's what I've learned?" Atsumu acts like he's hurting by Suna's words

"Whatever, anyways there's a practice games against Itachiyama and Sakusa is back after Atsumu came back home" Suna reported

"Really?!" Atsumu is surprised

"Really now?! Atsumu Sebastian Miya! Let me remind you that you're the Captain and you have responsibilities to fulfill before you flirt!" Osamu scolding Atsumu

"Don't worry Osamu I'm doing my responsibilities better and I've changed okay?"Atsumu reassure Osamu

"Okay whatever you say, Tsumu?" Osamu said

"Come on guys! Let's practice some more before the other team came" Atsumu said as he smile

They're practicing some more until Itachiyama team came with a small boy that look like Atsumu and Sakusa combined. Atsumu shocked when he saw the little boy look like Atsuki, his adopted son in the Humanoid world but he think that it's too impossible for Atsuki to teleport to his world without Sakusa knowing? Osamu noticed him and then approach him and ask:

"Atsumu? Are you okay? You seem shock when that kid came in with Sakusa?"Osamu ask out of concerm

"Uh huh? Yes I'm fine, that kid look like my adopted son when I'm still in the Humanoid world" Atsumu replied timidly

"Oh? Really?"Osamu is curious about Atsumu's life in another world

"Yeah but let's do some warmups!" Atsumu said

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