Part 31

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Malfoy shrugged, then waited for Hermione's arms to be around his neck and her face on his shoulder, her chest pressed against him so firmly that he could feel the very softness of her breasts on his own. He inhaled deeply before he reached around her and took a steady hold to her buttocks.

"What are you..." The girl ranted, but he shook his head lightly, telling her.

"I don't want to move you too much before you're ready. And if I tried to bring my hands further down, I would already straighten you and as you said that made it worse..."

"Oh, uhm, I see. Sorry for the accusation."

He chuckled. "It's fine. I honestly 'do' enjoy touching your arse. You count. On three!"

Hermione took a very deep breath then counted.

"One, two... Three!"

Draco was stronger than he looked and luckily that helped them stay on their feet. Because the very moment he pulled the young woman up, her legs gave in for a short moment and all of a sudden he was holding her in his arms, his muscles tense, his ligaments strained but he managed to keep them both standing until she regained control over her lower half.

"Can I let go or would you like to stay like this a little longer?" He asked her suggestively.

The Gryffindor was so shocked still, that she barely reacted to his tease and kept her hold on him until he started to nudge her backwards to the toilet seat again.

"Sit and don't dare to bend or lean into any direction before I am back!" The blond man ordered.

Not sure how to reply, she just nodded.

When he returned, he brought not only rubbing alcohol and gauze but also his own bathrobe for her to put on after removing the remaining clothes.

On top of all that he brought a heavy looking stone jar with some ointment.

"I'll lift you up again to rid you of your pants and then we'll take care of the bra. I got you my old robe to wear. It's clean in case you were wondering. The main problem will most likely be, getting the dirt off of you without getting even more of it into all the cuts and splits. What were you three trying? Break through a thornhedge?"

"Bushes and branches in the forest. Basically the same. I would say, showering it off will be best. So I can try to rinse off most of the dirt, even if it's on top of the wounds. I'm afraid though, that I will need further help for that. When you help me up, to take off my pants, take the flask from the back pocket and bring it to Vo... him! It contains one of your aunt's hairs. The plan was to get into her vault at Gringotts and look for something inside. Probably an heirloom of Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. It holds a piece of his soul. Dumbledore thought he had made six and he himself was the seventh. But I am very sure that an eighth piece lives inside of Harry. I have no idea how to win this fight if they can't go through with the plan. But I want you to bring him something so nobody will be hurting you or your family any longer, too. So take the flask and bring it to the dark lord. Tell him I made my choice. For his child's and your sake!"

Hermione's speech had been long but it usually was. The young wizard looked at her in awe.

"Have you ever been told that you are an amazing woman? Not like the brightest witch of our age or a loyal and kind Gryffindor, but you, your very self. You are one hell of a woman. Beautiful, intelligent, courageous, giving, and most of all you're incredibly kindhearted and forgiving. I..." He stopped before he was finished and shook his head. "I can't, it's too much to speak it out loud in front of you."

"Malfoy, you've already made me blush. How much worse can it be?"

He snorted through his nose.

"A lot. Because you don't want to hear this from me. Maybe from someone else like Weasley. But certainly not from someone like me. I..."

He was interrupted by the young woman's lips on his own. The kiss was only short and very light, but he stared at her, not able to speak.

"Please say what you wanted to tell me, Draco. I don't know why I need to hear it or where this will take us, but I need you to speak it out loud. I... The Amortentia, after gathering all facts I have to admit that I really 'was' smelling you. Maybe I just never wanted to notice the attraction between us. Maybe..." The girl looked at him with a desperate longing for any sort of affection or at least some kind words.

"Hermione," Draco croaked, then cleared his throat twice. "If I told you there wouldn't be a way back for me. And I don't want you to feel obligated because you somehow think you owe me your life or something. I... damn it, do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now? I mean really kiss you, not like you did. Though it was a very sweet and pleasant kiss, I would like to sweep you off your feet with mine."

"I have a suggestion. Take my things to the dark lord, then come back. I will try to get cleaned in the meantime and also use your toothpaste if I may. Do you have a spare toothbrush somewhere?" Hermione wondered.

"I think so. You could still use mine. I'll do a quick cleaning spell and it's like new."

"As long as I won't need to share one with your aunt!"

This statement made them both laugh out exaggeratedly, both seizing the moment to blow off some steam.

"I still need the rest of your clothes before I leave." He said quietly while staring at his shoes.

"I am aware of that. Let's just get it over with and then you can go. But please don't leave me alone for too long. After all you told me about the people lingering in this manor, I'd prefer to have you with me. I can't even imagine what they would be up to."

"They can't come in here without alarming every single person in this house. Plus the elf who took over when Dobby left. And sometimes Potter's elf still shows up but he has been forbidden to tell us anything. Yet he likes being here so we just let him. He adores Bella." Malfoy explained as he waited for her to open her pants and pull them so far that they would just drop once she got to her feet. He closed his eyes and tried to remind himself to breathe when he laid his arms around her, his fingers gracing her soft skin. The witch too struggled to keep herself calm, especially now that she was seconds away from being completely exposed to him.

Finally she stood, her trousers and panties slipping down, before the boy who had a lot more muscle than she had thought, let her gently back down.

"Just one piece of clothes left. I'll just, well, I haven't had much practice with opening them despite my reputation. It was only Pansy after the dance and a couple of times later on. And then there was that short encounter with the sister of the girl I am supposed to get married to. And before you get mad at me for that, Astoria Greengrass has quite a reputation of her own. And hers does her justice. She's two years younger than we are and I know for sure that she had not only Zabini and Nott, but also McLaggen, Finch-Flatley and a threesome with Brown and another Gryffindor but Daphne didn't tell me who the dude was. But let's please not speak about her right now. I still hope I can somehow avoid this marriage. Now I'll just try to open... where are the... oh I found the connection and if I remember correctly, yes, got it. You're good? Here's the robe, I'll just lay it around your shoulders and leave so it won't get more awkward."

"Thank you!" Hermione called after him when he stormed out of the bathroom to then mutter

"Accio Hermione's stuff!"

The young witch shook her head about his reaction then tried to get under the shower.

When Draco Malfoy returned almost twenty minutes later, he was beaming widely. The dark lord and Bellatrix had told him how well he had done and how much they appreciated his role in making the Gryffindor girl not only reveal most of her secrets but also to be willing to protect their child from any harm. Now he had been given a new task and though he didn't know how Hermione would react, what the dark lord had ordered him to do made him utterly blissful and happy.

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