Part 21

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It was four weeks after 'the boy' had escaped again. Even though Xenophilius Lovegood had called for his death eaters by speaking his name out loud, they had just caught a short glimpse of Harry Potter before he and his little friends had disapparated. He had been so furious that he, in the urgent need to harm someone, had barged into Bellatrix' room, ready to destroy everything he had achieved lately, when he had seen her on her bed, her eyes shut and her hands on her large belly, rubbing gentle circles, trying to soothe her daughter and keep her from kicking into her ribs too hard. WIth a deep sigh, he wanted to leave and find another target for his anger, when she spoke to him.
"My lord, please, let me help you. Just come and feel your daughter kicking. It's very calming and soothing, even when I am in dire need of tormenting anyone. It would at the same time help me to fall asleep, as she usually calms down as well, once she hears or feels you, master."
Voldemort wanted to object, but then he noticed that his anger wasn't so bad anymore, just by hearing the witch's words and he did as she had asked him to.
Laying down next to her, he held her in his arms, rubbed her protruding baby bump and slowly drifted off to sleep as well. Later that night was the last time they had sexual intercourse, because as he now tried again, he could see how very much she was suffering under several things.
The dark lord had just returned from another of his searches and had been to the bathroom very quickly before he quietly laid down in Bella's bed and pressed himself closely against her back. She reacted as she did almost every time he did that and sighed contently before nudging her arse against his crotch, grinding on him for a couple of times and then laid still, either going back to sleep or waiting for a reaction from him. That was her way of telling him that it was his decision what he wanted to do with her. If he was too tired, they would just sleep, but if he wanted her, she was ready for him, she always was.
Feeling his member react instantaneously, he reached around her and slipped one hand under her shirt to caress her nipples with the tips of his long, thin fingers. He could soon hear Bellatrix moan and moved his hand over her belly down to her intimates, slipping his fingers between her folds and started to rub her little sensitive nerve bundle very gently. She reacted to this with a desperate groan and a jerk of her hips, then cussed and hissed in pain.
"Damn it, that bloody back!"
Voldemort pulled his hand back in utter shock.
"Bella, what's wrong? How long have you been in so much pain?"
She sighed and reached for his hand to put it back, but he refused and rolled her onto her back.
"Answer me!" He demanded with his voice cold and emotionless.
She did, with tears brimming her eyes for being a disappointment to him.
"For some time, my lord. It's getting worse with the baby getting bigger. Cissy said it's totally normal and that most women suffer from it. It's just a little worse because I am already that old and because of all those years in Azkaban. But I can bear the pain easily just by reminding myself that it's your child I'm carrying."
He leaned in and kissed her softly.
"Those last times we were having sexual intercourse. Were you hurting then too?" He pried.
Bella nodded.
"A little, but the reward in the end was worth the pain!"
"Stop that. From now on, you will tell me if anything makes you feel uncomfortable or even causes you pain. Do you understand that?"
"Y-Yes, my lo..."
"Can you just not call me my lord?" He bellowed then hid his face in one hand. "I'm sorry for losing my temper. I'm just worried and that makes me angry because I am not used to caring for another person. Just lay back down and get comfortable. I'll be with you and hold you, okay?"
She nodded, her whole body shaking, as she tried to get back to her side but failed.
"Shit!" She gushed out and when their eyes met they both began to laugh.
"Come, let me help you."
"Thank you, my lo... my love. It's a pity though, that I can't enjoy the most pleasant thing right now." The pregnant witch lamented.
At this moment, Voldemort remembered that very first time he had gone to her room to make her his and how much he had enjoyed pleasing her, without even touching himself or being touched. And so he began to smirk and instead of helping her back to her right side, he just reached around her and lifted her upper body from the mattress to take off her nightgown, then pulled her panties down and let both pieces drop to the floor.
Bella gasped.
"My lord, I thought you, oh fuck, what are you up to?"
He grinned at her after he had placed a short kiss on her mound of venus, then hovered above her, kissing her lips passionately, before he whispered.
"Let me try to ease your suffering a little bit, my Bella!"
He covered every inch of her skin with hundreds of kisses, only then did he pay any attention at all to her breasts, where he again took a lot of time with very soft and tender touches. After feeling her squirm beneath him, the dark wizard slowly made his way down, shortly pausing to talk to her belly, then placed his mouth over her clit and began to tease it with both tips of his tongue.
She screamed from the sudden sensation and arched her back, giving him even better access by doing so.
He felt his erection grow bigger, painfully pressing against the mattress and took a different position to make some room for the large staff. Taking his penis into one hand, while carefully slipping two fingers of the other into her opening, he started to move both in a steady rhythm, while keeping his mouth and tongue in action. Short time later he felt her walls tightening and knew she was very close, when he forcefully entered her mind, telling her.
"I'm just as close, Bella, cum with me!"
And at the very second he finished his sentence, he felt her open her own mind to let him take part in the bliss and he could not only feel his own release wash over him but hers as well. The intensity and length of a female orgasm overwhelmed him completely and he was panting and looking at her with a strange expression, when he came back to her level to kiss and hold her for the night.
"My... heart? Are you alright?"
He nodded. He had no idea how to describe what he felt at that moment.

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