Sins Of Thy Father

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During his life there were many twists and turns everywhere he went but Pete thought that after his grandma passed away nothing could ever surprise him.

Sadly, he couldn't contain his shock while looking at the papers before him.

And his morning had started so well. He got some sleep the night before, got up at a reasonable hour and Porsche even cooked them breakfast. It wasn't much, just eggs, bacon and rice. But both Chay and Pete scarfed it down in mere minutes.

All was going well until Pete received a phone call from his boss, Yok. It was weird because he didn't have a shift until that evening. His boss usually called him if something was wrong with the bar, like having no one to cover the shift.

When he answered the phone he wasn't prepared for the sheer fear Yok's voice gave out. In the three years he had been working for her Pete never heard him be this distraught.
"Pete! You need to come to the bar right away!" She said as he was already getting dressed. "Some men are here looking for your grandma."

That was impossible. Everyone in town knew that his grandma had passed away. She was a loved member of their small community on an island and didn't know anyone in Bangkok. So why would someone be searching for her in this city? 

The young man got dressed as fast as he could and ran out of the door ignoring his roommates calling for him.

It was Saturday, and both Porsche and Pete worked in the evening, so he must've been wondering where the younger had left for.

The trip to Yok's bar wasn't long. They lived a few streets away in one of that two-bedroom apartments that would come off as dirt cheap to other people but were a big sum even divided between the two men.

Streets were busy with people. It was a nice day and it was reasonable that people wanted to cherish the day and spend it doing things outside. It didn't help Pete though. The twenty-year-old bumped into more than three couples on his way.

While he was running he thought to himself that it was stupid he didn't tell Porsche. The man was built like a brick and very good with martial arts. It wouldn't be the first time he got into a fight at Yok's bar. Just before Pete met him the man had beat up some thugs who trashed the bar because they wanted to increase Yok's rent. After that, the rent stayed the same and those people never came. It wasn't like Pete couldn't take care of himself. He trained in boxing for years after all. But Porsche had more fluidity and precision.

Their meeting had been a pure coincidence. One night Porsche was taking out trash behind the bar and Pete was doing some unsolicited things with a guy whom he met at the club. The man wanted more than Pete was willing to give and as Pete started to move away the guy struck him. No one ever held him so firmly and Pete was scared momentarily. That's the moment Porsche came in.

All Pete saw was a man about his age tossing beer crates at the man he was with and pulling Pete to stand behind him. And from that moment on Pete never felt so safe with anyone besides his grandmother.

The two became fast friends especially when Pete discovered that Porsche was in a similar financial situation as him. The older man took even more pity on him and decided to ask Yok to hire him. The next day of course. When Pete could return and look presentable.

Soon after he got the job from the most caring boss in the world Pete met Chay. The shy twelve-year-old didn't take long to turn into a huge energy ball. If he was comfortable with you he would be telling you all about the different guitars and music notes and his favorite bands and so on... Pete loved living with two brothers. They were so close. He was baffled at how close some family members could be. But  Porche would do anything for Chay.
And now Pete would too. They were a little family of their own.

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