Wealth Speaks

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Without a second income or a few weeks or months, Porsche knew he had to get another job to cover their expenses. It was going to be just him and Chay for approximately ten weeks at least and that meant budgeting. Pete left all of his savings to Porsche before he boarded the plane but Porsche didn't want for Pete to come home and be penniless. Even if he won, he doubted that the Triads would leave him off the hook that easy. So the best Porsche could do was plan.

He began to put aside some of his savings too along with Pete's. When the younger man comes back he will take his brother, Pete, and Yok, and leave Bangkok. It was too dangerous for them to be here while on Triad's list.

Even now they were hiding. Yok closed her bar for some time and focused solely on one of her karaoke clubs. She offered him a job there but it would be too risky for all of them to be in the same place. So Porsche and Chay moved to the outskirts of Bangkok, as they promised Pete, just to be safe. He started working at a gas station during the night but still had to find something to cover his day shift while Chay was at school.

The best they were currently offering was a high-end restaurant in one of Theerapanyakul's hotels. Porsche hated that family from the bottom of his heart. One of the brothers who led the chain of hotels before they had passed caused a car accident that left Chay and him orphans. So it was safe to say that Porsche did it out of necessity rather than anything else.

It was only two days after Pete left for filming that Porsche had his first shift at the restaurant. Since he had been a waiter many times before his new boss was very pleased with his resume. With a little bit of training from the Head of the staff, Porsche was ready to go. From the moment he stepped into that environment he was welcomed with open hands and several advice. The kitchen crew liked him as well. The Head Chef was a man of several years of high-end dining experience and he was very helpful to the younger man.

"Listen, young man, some of these patrons are a real pain in the ass and they will nag you endlessly but if you want to keep this job my advice to you is to not cause a scene. There is nothing that they love more than the feeling of power." Said the older man and Porsche could imagine that. There were sometimes patrons like that in Yok's bar but those were dealt with swiftly. He assumed that these were the assholes of a different caliber though. 

Porsche nodded at that and strapped in to take his first order. The closest table to the windows with an amazing view of the city was where his first customers sat. It was a man and a woman dressed in business suits and looking all professional.

He took a deep breath and approached them with a greeting.

The woman smiled at him and so did the man and he began to ask them about their orders.

"Good day! Would you like to hear our specials of the day?" He bowed a little and repeated the mantra.

"Thank you but we already know what we want to order." Said the man politely fixing his glasses. "How about we order Butter-Basted Sous Vide Pork Chops with Fennel and Coriander and Seared Scallops? With a salad on the side?"

The man asked the woman in front of him and she smiled and nodded.

"That sounds delicious, Khun. And since it's still work hours we will just get sparkling water infused with lemongrass." Porsche wrote all of it down and bowed again glad to have such polite people as his first customers.

From there his shift passed quickly. It wasn't too taxing for him. He was used to the fast pace of things. There were few picky customers but no one who Porsche would say was mean-spirited.

It was an hour before the end of his shift that things went south. When his next customers walked in even the Head of Staff began to scramble and fix their uniform. So Porsche followed their lead and did the same.

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