The Sound Of Your Voice Moves Me

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"Where do you want to start, Khun?" Pete asked after he somehow recovered from an instant flush. The stranger, one of his matches, probably had a sultry, deep voice. It was easy to imagine that kind of voice going with the stranger's charisma.

Pete would laugh his ass off if it turns out that the man has a high and pointy voice.

But at the moment he was instantly charmed. It didn't help that the man called him adorable.

When the so-called Shark said those words to Pete he blushed from head to toe.

"Everything... Or whatever you are willing to share. I won't be pushy..." Pete could hear the smirk in the man's voice. "Unless you ask me to..."

They talked for about five minutes and what the younger man learned about his third match was that he was thirty-one, male, and a fucking flirt.

And to his horror, it made Pete all giddy. He liked the attention the man was giving him. It even seemed somewhat familiar to him. It was completely different from the deep conversation he had with Tiger and the one with Monkey couldn't even compare with the other two.

"Khun..." Pete said shyly. "How about you tell me something about yourself Do you have a favorite color?"

"Hmm..." The man sounded like he was really thinking on the other side of that wall. "No one asked me that question in a long time. Kindergarten, was it?"

Pete cringed. He knew that he wasn't the smartest book on the shelf but to ask a juvenile question like that a man ten years older than him was stupid even for him.

However, the man only laughed, and even with voice modifications, it sounded very pleasant.

"Red." The man answered after some thinking.

And as if he could read the younger's mind he added. "It is refreshing to be asked such silly questions... Don't worry, sweetheart, and ask away."

Pete didn't know what to ask. He had some questions ready that he already asked Monkey and Tiger. But Monkey either answered with dirty innuendos and Tiger would answer so honestly that Pete would often get lost in his answers. He didn't think that Shark would answer either way.

"Why don't you ask me a question now, Khun?" Pete suggested, trying to steady his breath. The stranger's playful demeanor was both disarming and intoxicating.

"Alright, Puppy," Shark replied, his voice dropping an octave, making Pete's stomach flip. "What's your favorite childhood memory?"

That was a million-dollar question, wasn't it? Pete didn't look back on his childhood fondly. With all the trauma he experienced he didn't have time to be a kid. And after his grandma took him in he did everything to make things easier for his Yaai. He had to repay her somehow.

It left him with little to no time to play or create fond memories.

But Pete wasn't ready to open up to Shark about his trauma just yet. Even if it would probably get him more sympathy points from the public.

He was silent for a while going through his imaginary rolodex of memories.

"Puppy?" Shark interrupted his thinking.

Then it dawned on him.

"There was this one time, during summer, when my Yaai took me to a night market in Bangkok. It was a big deal for us because we didn't go to the city often and stayed on our island most of the time. Grandma had to work and the money wasn't exactly growing on the trees." Pete chuckled at that as he continued. "But that Saturday one of our neighbours had to go to shore to register his boat and he asked my Yaai and I if we wanted to go with him."

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