Where Did You Get That Idea?

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**A/N: Guys thank you for all the support on all my works!! I especially love it when you comment. It just makes my day to hear your thoughts!!! 💓"

"YOU!" Kinn wasn't usually a person who drew attention to himself... But he could feel every eye in that cafe on him.

He didn't care about their stares. The only one he was focused on was from a man before him. The same man he couldn't get off his mind for the last few days.

Ever since he saw him at one of their restaurants Kinn had images of the beautiful man in front of him.

'Beautiful...' When did the thought like that pop into his mind?

Kinn would never confess to anyone but the moment he saw the young man in front of him he was stunned. Even with his fiance by his side, the man shone brighter than any of them.

The leader of the main family doesn't remember if he ever saw Tawan in the same light as this stranger.

There was something wild that was pulling him towards the other man.

"Khun, please calm down. This is a respectable establishment." The same man brought him out of his thoughts. He was right of course. Kinn was making a scene.

However, the older man didn't care much... He was too busy making a fool out of himself.

"That would be 180 baht, Khun." The man smiled at him. "Would you like it to go or for here?"

"For here," Kinn replied sharply while paying with his Amex Black card.

Turning around he tried to find the reason he was in this coffee shop in the first place. Kinn found her sitting by the window with a cup of coffee in her hand.

He approached and greeted her politely. There was always an image he had to keep. Even if he had small mishaps with it sometimes. Like when he was star-struck by the most beautiful man he ever saw-. No.

He needed to stay focused on his goal.

"Good day." Kinn greeted and sat before the woman. "I assume you know who I am and why I called you to meet me here."

She smiled and put down her cup.

"Of course, Khun." Her voice was warm and the same as in the video. "I am glad you reached out to me. Have you brought the payment with you or will you transfer it directly into my account?"

"What?" Now, Kinn knew low... But this was too low even for him. Asking for a payment so soon. She could've milked the story for much longer. He would if he was her. And he knew that didn't make him a good person. But was he ever a good person? Could he even be one in their line of work? "Payment? That was fast..."

"What do you mean, Khun?" The woman looked sincerely confused. "We agreed on a certain payment over the phone. I did my part as a part of a deal. Now it is your turn to respect the agreement."

Okay. Kinn was also very confused now.

"I am sorry, Khun. What are you talking about? Is this about my nephew? I know you are lying about being his mother... And I know you want something out of it but let's not kid around here." Kinn was getting annoyed.

"Khun, with all due respect, you are the one messing around here. We had a deal. A proper contract even. I don't see where the problem arose." Somehow the woman before him looked hurt by his words.

"I have zero idea what you are talking about," Kinn said seriously.

Was this some kind of hidden camera? Something for that, what did Macau call it, Tic Tac?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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