First Impressions

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"Ah, Khun." And that was not something Vegas didn't want to hear. Preferably with a man before him sitting on his cock nice and tight. He knew that Pete would be a sight to see.

"I didn't know that we could use our phones. Or maybe I made a mistake of sorts." He didn't. It was one of the rules for their phones to be turned off once they came to the island and when the filming started the phones would be taken from them for safekeeping.

So what was this cute man doing breaking the rules already?

He looked skittish as one would while being caught in the act.

"I just wanted to contact my family and tell them I am alright." That was cute too. A caring man it seemed. Vegas could live with that. "I hope you can understand my situation, Khun."

And since he was the one breaking the rules too he wouldn't be reporting this man.

"Don't worry, gorgeous. I can. It is normal for you to contact your family. Especially since you won't be able to do so for some time from tomorrow on." Pete gave him a sincere smile and it was then Vegas noticed the dimples. Could this guy be any cuter?

"Thank you, Khun! Hope you heard from your family too. If you want to I can lend you a phone, so you can talk to them." That smile will be the death of Vegas. No one ever affected him this much from just one meeting.

"That's quite alright, gorgeous." And before he could stop himself Vegas had to go and open his mouth again. "I wouldn't mind you lending me a hand with something different though."

The man looked confused but the smile was still plastered on his face. It made Vegas pursue what he wanted to say in the first place.


"You see, gorgeous, I have this urge I just can't get rid of." At that Vegas smirked. He didn't know how long he had on this island so why not shoot a shoot with this gorgeous man? If it worked out, Vegas would be in for a good night. If not, after tomorrow Pete wouldn't see him again. "It's somewhat unreachable for me, you see. I might need someone's help."

Vegas knew he had gone too far when a smile faded from the younger's face. It was replaced by the frown.

"I'm sorry, Khun, I cannot help you in that regard." Pete huffed. "I don't know if you had noticed but I am here as a contestant and not a whore."

"Really? Because I could've mistaken you as one. But I've seen a lot of whores and none of them can hold a candle to you, gorgeous." And Vegas just had to keep going and cross all lines. He wasn't like this usually. Not after Macau's mother. But this man was just waking something up in him. It was probably because he wasn't used to rejection.

"That's not very nice of you, Khun. Excuse me for disturbing your peace and I hope we honestly won't ever speak again." The younger man said and stormed away.

Vegas wanted to kick himself. It was only after Pete left that he really thought about what he said and did. He was such an idiot sometimes. The only saving grace was that no one knew about it except the two of them. And Vegas hoped that the other won't say anything to anyone. He was Vegas Theerapanyakul for God's sake. No one could tarnish his reputation.

He wanted to hit something. Usually, he had a boxing bag or someone to beat up. But now and here the only thing he could do was go back to his room and strategize.


Pete was never so humiliated. Well, that probably wasn't true. There were often disgusting patrons in the bar. And before he even worked at the bar people from his hometown would compliment his looks and there were always drunkards in Bangkok who noticed him.

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