Do You Mind?

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Vegas was staring at his suitcase. It was half full with the expensive stuff he owned. He always preferred to dress and pack himself. 

That's how he found himself in this situation. With Macau snickering on his bed while Vegas packed. 

"Stop laughing, you little shit." He said fondly. Vegas could never actually be mad at his son. 

"But you should've seen your face, Pa. The way Uncle Kinn went down was so funny too. It was in one swoop." And he continued to laugh.

It was true. The way Kinn fell once Vegas punched him was funny. But the bruises on the older man's face weren't. How was he supposed to appear on television like that? 

The man sighed and looked at the stuff he picked out. It was all of his best shirts and pants, with a suit here and there. They might need it. 

From what Khun told him there was going to be the ceremony at some point so "Bring a suit, you idiot!". 

He knew there was no way out now. Kinn had explained that it was only normal that Vegas went because he could make sure that their merchandise was safe. But Vegas dreaded appearing in interviews. Even when they did them for hotel or shopping mall openings. It was something he did because of his father. Gun would never forget to remind Vegas of how to act in front of the media. They all had their part to play. And this was his. Now more than ever. 

The man kept throwing his stuff in the suitcase as Macau played his game. 

"Pa." His child stopped the game and looked at Vegas with big eyes and a pout. Macau only did that sometimes nowadays but when he was younger that would be the moment he would either ask something of him or tell him that his grandfather hit him for speaking too much. It was in those moments that Vegas would stand up to his father. Nobody touched his son. 

"Yes, Cau?" Vegas stopped what he was doing and looked at Macau. 

"Um, do you think Uncle Kinn is right?" Never. He was too dumb to be right. But Vegas felt that wasn't what his son was asking him. "I mean..."

"What is this about, Cau?" Vegas sat next to Macau and let the shirt he had been folding fall into his lap. 

"What Uncle Kinn said... That you might find someone to raise me with... Do you think that's what will happen?" And Vegas couldn't imagine how hurt Macau must've been. 

He always knew what happened with his mother and who she was. But he insisted that he only needed Vegas. And Vegas thought so too. But sometimes when there was a parent-teacher conference or a school play Magau was part of there was a certain lack of another parent. He wasn't the only single parent in the class but he was the only single dad. It did get him women who flocked over him, especially moms, but Vegas paid them no mind. Macau was always his top priority. But how could Vegas be sure that he was everything that Macau needed?

"Oh, Cau." He pulled the young boy into his arms. 

"No, Pa. It's not like that." Ah, he was so much more cuddlier when he was a baby. "I mean... I would be okay with that. That's all I'm saying." 

And then he got up from the bed and ran out of the room with red cheeks. 

Vegas had to laugh at that. 

His son returned a few seconds later to collect the game he left and Vegas couldn't help himself but to tease. 

"I will bring you a mom home, Cau. Don't you worry!" He was genuinely smiling. 

"Ugh! Pa!" A disgruntled teenager said hurrying out of the room and leaving Vegas to continue his packing. 

'There is no way I am going to find someone on that show. It will be quick. Get in, secure the merchandise, and get out." Vegas said to himself. "And the people who apply to these shows are definitely not parent materials." 

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