Shine Bright

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"James!" Vegas could hear one of the producers yelling at the assistant who brought him on this island while he had his arms full of a beautiful man with a gorgeous mop of black hair. Even if Vegas was here for only a few days to secure the goods he couldn't believe that the beauty that was once in his lap was now before his eyes. On the same island with him. 

'Oh, he must be one of the participants.' Vegas thought to himself. 

But Nop checked all of them and this beauty wasn't on the list. Vegas would've remembered.
The man blinked a few times before he rolled his eyes and went back to stand on his own. 

"Thank you, Khun." And that voice could haunt Vegas forever. He will look up this man after he leaves the island. He was sure of it. 

"We have to stop meeting like this. Someone will think that we can't be separated." Vegas gave him one of his signature smirks. The same ones he used when he wanted to fake charm his patrons or business partners. 

"I apologize, Khun. It was never my intention." It baffled Vegas how the clearly younger man brushed off his flirting like it was nothing. Usually, people swooned at his lines. But not this man. 

"That's okay. I like a challenge, gorgeous." And the man cheekily walked and scoffed in Vegas' face.

He moved forward on the dock, now watching his step, and introduced himself to the cameras as instructed. Like Vegas did a few minutes earlier.

"We can use this! We have to. Now that both of you messed up so badly." The producer was grilling two assistants. James and the one that brought the beauty on the island. He explained to Vegas that the contestants shouldn't meet before the filming but something went wrong and now Vegas met someone. Someone so splendid. 

"I am sorry, Khun Vegas." One of the staff was now talking to him. "We know that you were informed of the rules but there was a mishap and the two contestants came at the same time. We could re-film this but as it was in your request we won't treat you any different than any other participant. Is that correct, Khun?"

'Fucking, Tankhun.' Vegas wanted to turn around and go back to kick his cousin in his perfect teeth. Any of them, really. Except Kim. 

However, he couldn't do that. So he put on his best smile and gritted his teeth to say that it was quite alright. He was fine with normal treatment. It meant he would be more inconspicuous and that helped his cause. 

"Khun Pete!" 


That was his name. It suited him. 


Pete couldn't stop blushing. What were the odds of meeting the handsome stranger again? On an island at that. The island which is supposedly hosting a reality show. 

As they were led from the dock to the rest of the island, Net was apologizing for a mishap that happened. But Pete couldn't hear any of that. His mind was too preoccupied with strong arms holding him. 

And that voice. 

'Ugh.' Pete knew he will have dreams about that voice. 

Somehow the producers managed to separate him and the stranger by taking different paths to their destination. 

Net was now talking to Pete about his interview. 

"You did a great job! Are you sure you have never been in front of cameras before?" The assistant laughed. 

"No, didn't have time for that." Answered Pete. "I just spoke truthfully."

Well, as truthfully as he could without revealing his intentions. 

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