I Heard A Rumor

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Vegas thoroughly enjoyed the two days he had with Puppy. The younger man had a way of making Vegas smile and forget all about his problems.

One huge problem in particular.

It was only during the last hour that the leader of the minor family actually remembered the reason he was there.

When they were talking about their jobs Vegas had a sudden epiphany that he actually had to do his own. But he knew there was no way to that tunnel without going to this part of the game first.

However, he wasn't complaining about Puppy's company. The man sounded so excited about life and Vegas just knew that there was a cutie hiding behind that wall.

He didn't know when was the last time he opened that much to someone. Vegas even told Pete about his favorite memories of his cousins. And he wouldn't tell those to anyone.

Well, if they were watching, and Vegas had a hunch that at least one of his cousins did watch, they would have to find out anyway. He wasn't excited about his return home and the ridicule he was going to get. 

But he wouldn't change it now. Not when there was a smile plastered on his face for hours.


"Did you guys see this cutie Vegas was talking to?" Uncle Tankhun asked while they were having dinner. "I already voted for them to get another meeting."

"He looks nothing like P'Vegas usual type," Kim said and continued to eat his Shabu Shabu.

Macau was trying to concentrate on transferring his broccoli to Kim's plate but it was hard with Uncle Tankhun talking animatedly in the dining hall. Even though his Pa wasn't here right now, Macau knew that he would somehow know that his kid ate no vegetables.

"I mean, he is a bit younger than Vegas but wow. If I wasn't married, no offense babes, I would nail that." Uncle Tankhun said with a mouth full of vegetables.

"None taken, Pookie." Uncle Pol said and Macau snickered. Those fools. They didn't see how manipulative his Uncle actually was.

Or maybe they did and just didn't care.

Either way, they were too disgusting for Macau and his teenage hormones.

Speaking of hormones... The man on the TV wasn't someone Macau knew. It was probably a facade for viewers but the Vegas he knew didn't flirt like that.

Or maybe he did, just when he knew Macau wasn't around?

He never saw his Pa be this intimate with someone. While grandfather was alive his father would go out sometimes and bring people over but they never even met Macau. Vegas' son was off limits. Most people didn't even know he existed.

And now he told everyone on national TV that he has a son... One he loves very much...

It wasn't like Macau ever doubted his father loved him. The young man had known nothing but love from Vegas. However, at the same time, he did remember how his Pa was being treated by a man who was supposed to protect and care for him.

"What do you think, Cau?" His cousin asked him while his Uncles were distracted. "Why is P'Vegas still in the game? I thought he was going to finish this quickly. You said it would be that way, P'Kinn."

"I don't know. Papa went there for the merchandise, but there must be a reason he is still there right? Honestly, he kinda looks happy talking to me... What was his name?" Macau replied.

"Maybe it's all just pretend... We all know how skilled Vegas is..." Said his Uncle Kinn. "And I am sure that he knows what he is doing. Perhaps he can't access the drugs right away. He will explain everything when he gets back."

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