CHAPTER 1 - A New Life.

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(?? POV)

Who am I? I don't know.

Where am I? I don't know.

But I do know one thing: I am searching for something. I don't know what it is, but I know that I will find it eventually and that is what kept me Sane.

I don't know how long I have been roaming around in the space, It may have been days, months, or even years, since I stopped my count after 30 days. However, even in this situation I don't feel scared, it's as if I had done this many times before.

I tried to remember anything I could about myself, but all I could remember was my time traveling in space without any destination, just searching for something I didn't even know.

I could see the Beauty of space, those twinkling stars, multi-colored planets inside those wonderful galaxies, and even some nebula.

But as time passed and my journey continued without any stopping, I eventually lost interest in the scenery around me. I just let my body travel independently, and even if I say 'body', it's just a mass of energy or soul.

As I continued traveling through space, I also saw some strange creatures moving around, completely ignoring my existence as if I was invisible to them and maybe I was, I don't know.

It was then that I suddenly felt a pull, at first it was just a small pull but eventually it started getting powerful and I didn't resist, since I could feel that I had found what I had been looking for.

The force pulled me inside one of the small universes, then I was pulled inside one of the many galaxies in it, and lastly, I entered the world from which I felt the force pulling me.


"Ugh," I felt my body was on the verge of breaking, but I held on since it was still bearable.

'Where am I?' I looked around and realized that I was sitting on the ground next to a single bed inside a room of 6.5 square meters size.

This room consisted of a study table, a cupboard, a kitchen attached to the room of about 3x3m, and an attached bathroom of 4x3m size.

I stood up while enduring the pain in my body, and when I lay on the bed hoping to get some relief. 

I heard a mechanical female voice in my head and a soothing sensation that washed over my whole body, making me feel strong and energized.

[Suitable Vessel found.]

[Starting synchronization.]












I waited patiently for the procedure to complete since whatever this was, it would not harm me.

It felt like something that had been with me for a long time, even though this was my first time seeing something like this.

[Please brace yourself for some discomfort.]

[Memory of the previous owner is being fused.]

[Awakening of the ability of the body.]

I didn't get any time to be prepared since the pain came just as the voice completed its announcement.

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