CHAPTER 26 - Bloodlines.

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"What if he loses his mind as soon as he wakes up?" Alice questioned Alex.

They were sitting in her office along with Ann and the pup who had been staring at Alex from the moment it woke up.

Alice had asked Alex about what to do now.

She knew that Alex must have had a way of calming things down if he had taken things to that level, but she was shocked when she heard Alex say that he didn't know.

He also said that if Frank is at least smarter than a 10 grader, then he would know that fighting Alex would only do him harm and no good.

"I will take care of it then," Alex said nonchalantly with a shrug causing Alice to become silent as she didn't know what to say anymore.

Alex could understand her dilemma, so, he voices out.

"I can make it so that he would not betray the guild if you want," Alex recommended.

He knew why Alice was getting a little worried since it's fine even if Frank just lasses out, but the problem is that he might try to take external help just to take revenge as a result increases the chances of an attack on the guild.

Every guild is like a hunter waiting for its prey to get weak and it would just jump on them, and an S-rank raider seeking help from other guilds would simply make them the potential prey of every other guild.

"How will you do that?" Alice didn't agree directly, instead, she asked Alex while looking into his eyes.

"Who knows?" Alex smiled mysteriously but then he realised something.

'Sophia, what's happening to me?' He had been feeling it but he was ignoring it, now he asked and he was sure Sophia understood what he wanted to ask.

[Well, it's your incubus bloodline, it is changing your personality a little. Do you not...... like it?]

Sophia really liked this new Alex better since this personality suited him better.

'You want me to keep this personality?' Alex asked unsurely, he didn't hate this personality, it was just that he didn't want to change into someone else.

[I like it, but it's up to you. It's just that you can express your feelings better with this personality.]
Her last line was spoken in a very low tone but Alex heard and smiled inwardly. She just wanted the

best for him, Alex understood that and it made him feel a little warm.

'All right then, I will keep it.' Alex spoke but then he noticed that Alice was still staring at him.

"What?" He asked her innocently.

"How will you do it?" Alice asked again and from her tone Alex could tell that she would not back down till he gave her an answer, so he just sighed, dropping the innocent act.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Alex asked with a serious voice along with a serious face, the friendly vibe around him also turned serious. He changed his approach, and it worked like magic.

Listening to his serious tone Alice started hesitating, it's normal for humans to hesitate when they are stuck in a serious situation.

Alice was right now thinking if it was something that Alex had kept as a secret or something he couldn't tell anyone, was it something that would affect their relationship? Was it something that would cause him harm if he informed her? These were the thoughts in her mind.

"Yes," In the end she decided that she wanted to know. She wanted to know more about Alex, she was not oblivious to her own feelings, and she knew that she was falling for Alex slowly and steadily.

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