CHAPTER 33 - On to the boss fight.

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"Wait!! You can use space magic as well?!?!" Alice suddenly asked in a bewildered tone causing Ann's eyes to widen in realisation.

Last time when Alex took out his sword from the inventory, the girls weren't able to notice how he did it and their minds were too shocked by the events to even think deeply about anything.

Now, however, it was a different situation.

"Yes, I can," Alex spoke calmly affirming Alice's claim as she asked whether he could use space magic or not. Not like it was a lie to say that because even though he was using the inventory provided by the system, he could make one as well.

The girls, however, were anything but calm. They knew how rare space magic was, it was so rare that only one space magic user was known in the whole world, which is even lower than the time magic users.

A space magic user could cause a war between guilds just to get him recruited. However, from what the girls could see, it seemed that Alex had some kind of storage space-type magic, which would be coveted more than any kind of magic.

People might even kidnap him and use him as a personal storage ring.

"Will you guys join or not?" Alex asked again, breaking the girls out of their thoughts.

The girls exchanged a bewildered look and then turned towards Alex with the same look, only to find him staring at them with an unreadable expression.

"Can you guys not react like that every time you find out something new about me?" After looking at them for a while, Alex finally asked with a sigh. The girls then lowered their heads in shame.

When they thought of things from his perspective, they realised that the way they reacted every time might not have been a good experience for him.

Their reaction was always like they found some kind of new dangerous animal, even though they didn't mean it like that.

Alice was feeling worse than Ann as she knew that Alex didn't remember his past, which meant that the way people looked at him might be detrimental.

If someone looked at him like he was some kind of monster, then it was obvious that he would start thinking of himself as such, though Alice didn't know that her worry was unfounded, and Alex just didn't want them to react the way they reacted to every one of his things.

He thought that they might have a heart attack if he someday slipped some other shocking pieces of information.

"We are sor-" However before Alice and Ann could apologise; they felt their heads being patted and they looked up only to see him smiling gently at them.

"Just don't do that again, all right?" He asked with a smile causing them to blush a little, but they still nodded their heads.

"So, tell me now. Do you guys want to join in as well?" Alex asked again for the third time.

It didn't take the girls much time to regain their composure.

"Yes, we will take care of the small fries," Alice spoke while stretching and Ann nodded as well.

"All right then, I will be going up ahead," Alex spoke and deactivated his disguise making the two Orc's expressions turn into surprise, then anger and bloodthirst.

Alex stepped on the knee of the angry Orc in front of him. He used the knee as a support to push himself up in the air. Then before any of the Orc could even pick up their weapons, they found their worlds turned upside down.

The last thing they saw was their brethren running towards their direction before their world went dark, still, they were happy while dying, they knew that their brethren would avenge them.

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