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Your Author Cosmic_Ceaser here!

If you have reached this chapter means that you like my book and are reading it with interest, so I won't take much of your time.

There is good and bad news, which one would you guys like to hear first?

I will just go with the bad one first.

I won't be uploading any more chapters here.

Now, now, don't start cursing me already, there is a reason for that, after all.

I'm a contracted author on a website called Webnovel, and according to their contract, I can't upload more than 34 chapters here, so that's that.

Now, on to the good news.

For those who like my novel, and really want to read it, I would say that you guys download Webnovel as it is available as an application on Playstore.

There are 120+ chapters of my book there and it's still ongoing.

So, I will say it again, if you guys really like my book and want to read it, just download Webnovel, do the procedure of logging in and all, and then read my novel.

It won't take much time as all of this would take 5 mins max if your signal is slow, so it's all about how much you like my novel.

If you download Webnovel, and read my book there then I guess I'll just say, "See you soon" as we are going to continue our journey together on Webnovel.

But if you decided to stop our journey together and drop the novel then all I can say to you guys is that "It was nice having you guys, and thank you for reading my novel, no matter how short our journey was, you guys still read my book, so again, thank you."

That's all from your Author, and I hope to see you guys on Webnovel.

Also, the link below is for my discord server, so if still have some question or if you have some problem logging in on Webnovel, DM me.

I'll try to respond to you guys asap.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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