CHAPTER 30 - First Raid.

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[New Quest: -

Quest objective: Clear the A-rank gate – "Forest of the Orcs".

Bonus 1 objective: Kill a Mid-boss of the gate alone.

Bonus 2 objective: Kill the Boss of the Gate alone.

Quest reward: 5000 points.

Bonus 1 reward: (B-rank) – Blazing beam {Skill}

Bonus 2 reward: Random A-rank short sword or dagger.

Time limit: --

Penalty: Randomly doing Cabbage patch. (Duration: 1 day.)]

Although a little surprised by the sudden quest, Alex still maintained a calm exterior, however, when he saw the penalty, his expression couldn't help but turn weird and it did not go unnoticed by the two girls that were with him.

"What's wrong Alex?" Alice asked with a hint of worry in her voice. She thought that the change in expression Alex had was somehow related to the gate they were going to enter, Ann's face also mirrored Alice's expression.

They knew Alex was very mysterious and strong, he also knew many things and was very knowledgeable, so, the first thing that came to their mind after seeing him stop just before they were about to enter the gate was that something was wrong with the gate.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering how lucky I am to be entering a gate alone with two beautiful girls." Alex smiled a little and spoke after realizing his mistake.

His words, however, caused both Alice and Ann to blush furiously while looking down, too shy to meet his eyes after he complimented them.

'Why?' He asked in his mind as he could hear Sophia trying to hold her giggle for the reason he knew very well.

[The mission is far too easy for your level and you will also get SP from killing the monste-] Sophia's words were cut off before she could continue.

'You know that I didn't ask that from you, right?' Alex spoke with a groan and Sophia finally started giggling, not trying to suppress it anymore.

Alex knew what she was talking about and he didn't have any problem with that as the rewards provided by the system were still generous. He would get 120 SP just by killing a single B-rank mob and 200 for an A-rank mob. As for the boss and mid-boss, it depended on them.

[Well, it was the system that did it, but it doesn't matter, right? Or are you saying you are going to fail this mission?] Sophia asked with an infectious giggle.

Even though she knew that Alex was not going to get the penalty, just the prospect of Alex doing a cabbage patch made her giggle.

'Sigh... Yeah, there's no way I am doing that penalty.' Alex sighed; he was feeling mentally exhausted even before entering the gate.

"Let's go. We might be done in an hour or two if we go now." He spoke with a smile as he saw the girls had calmed down. The girls nodded their heads and moved towards the gate.

Even though Alex and Sophia talked for a bit, in reality, it had been no more than 10 seconds and Sophia was still giggling in the system space causing Alex to sigh inwardly.


"Nice view," This was the first thing Alex said after they entered the gate causing both Alice and Ann to intentionally turn towards him with an expression that read 'Really now?'

It was normal for them to react like that, after all, they were inside an A-rank gate, a gate where even an S-rank raider could lose their life if they let their guard down.

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